Sefton All Age Carers' Strategy

Sefton Carers Strategy 2024-2027 sets out our commitment to unpaid carers and shows how partners in the Borough will work together to support unpaid carers of all ages in Sefton. The Strategy is owned by a partnership of organisations in Sefton together with carers and residents.

Our vision is that unpaid carers of all ages in Sefton will have support for their physical health, mental health and wellbeing needs whilst they are meeting the needs of the person they care for, ensuring carers own life choices and ambitions are supported and recognised.

We want to make sure that unpaid carers in Sefton have the help and support they need as they look after the people they care for and to look after themselves.



Thank you to everyone who responded to our All Age Carers Strategy consultation, this has now closed.

We have received a large number of responses and comments and will now use these to help us to redraft the Strategy. We expect the final version to be available this summer. When it has been finalised, this webpage will be updated with a downloadable copy. The All Age Carers Strategy will also be available on the Sefton Carers Centre website.

In the meantime, the draft version of the Strategy that was released along with the consultation can be found below.

Poster for Sefton's Carers Strategy Consultation (pdf 134KB)
Questions for Sefton's All Age Carers Strategy (pdf 2.17MB)


Last Updated on Friday, October 18, 2024

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