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Around Sefton

Parks and Greenspaces

Managed by our excellent Green Sefton service with support from volunteers and our partners, Sefton has over 30 parks across the borough, as well as 100 play sites and 183 open space.

This ranges from the stunning Botanic Gardens in the north to the wide coastal landscape of Crosby Coastal Park and the historic Derby Park in the south. These parks have a wide range of facilities for all ages and abilities providing a great attraction to visitors and residents alike.

Whether you are a dog walker, keen jogger, or just enjoy a quiet stroll, it’s time to enjoy your local green space! Find a park near you.


Avian Flu

Please find information here on the latest outbreak.

Local Byelaws
There are a number of local byelaws in place across sites managed by Green Sefton. These are detailed here.

Last Updated on Tuesday, March 12, 2024

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