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Your Assessment

Disabled children between the age of 0- 18 years can refer via the MASH for an Assessment of Need. They can be contacted on 0151 934 4481

If you have a disabled Children you are entitled to an Assessment of Need by a Social Worker. The assessment process is person centred, holistic, involving you, your child and your family

Step One: Assessment Takes Place

When assessing what support your child with a disability may need the following factors will be discussed;

  • The severity of your child’s disability and how it impacts on both their life and the life of their family and parents/carers.
  • The health, education, social and daily care and supervisory needs of your child and whether there is more than one disabled child in the family/household.
  • The number of other children or caring responsibilities you may have and whether you have a health need or disability.
  • The degree of informal support within your family and friend network.
  • Your child’s wishes and feelings.
  • Whether there are concerns about your child’s safety and welfare

Assessments require your consent and can vary depending on the complexity of your child’s needs. It should be completed within 45 working days.

Step Two- Recommendations

The assessment will make recommendations about how your child’s needs can be met and may conclude this can be achieved without the need for more specialist support services.  In this circumstance there will be no further action and you can access community support for an further help you may require.

If your child is assessed to have unmet needs, the social worker will work with your family to identify what interventions might be effective and the services that might be useful.

Step Three: Request for Support

A request for a care package or direct payments is made who may approve or reject the application or request further information. This panel includes a service manager and professionals from social care and health.

If it is thought that your child would benefit from a plan of support overseen by a social worker or Early Help worker this is formalised into a Child in Need Plan or a Early Help Plan. These plans are reviewed regularly and the Social Worker will also visit your child at least twice a year including in the family home.

It is recognised that the needs of children with disabilities and their families may change over time. Therefore it is important any support provided is reviewed regularly to account for this and ensure services are meeting needs and achieving agreed outcomes.

 Find even more information on our Assessment Process on our Local Offer Website

Last Updated on Friday, March 1, 2024

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