
You can use the Listen and Translate link at the top of this page to open Recite Me software, which will translate the content into difference languages, increase and decrease the size of the text and change the type-style – including into a Dyslexic-friendly font. It will also read the information out loud in different voices and languages.


Ви можете додати посилання Listen and Translate у верхній частині цієї сторінки, щоб відкрити програму Reci Me, що дозволить вам читати цю інформацію про ваші голоси та мови, збільшуючи та зменшуючи розмір тексту та змінюючи тип. стиль  у тому числі в шрифті, дружній до дислексії.



этой страницы, чтобы открыть программное обеспечение Recite Me, что позволит вам прочитать эту информацию вслух текстурами и на разных местах, сократить объем текста и изменить его тип. стиль  в том числе в шрифт, удобный для Dyslexic.


Hugh Baird College in Bootle is offering free English classes to Ukrainian adults and their family members who find themselves displaced to the Liverpool City Region.

The English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) classes will help with linguistic obstacles and reading, writing and listening. Learning these skills aims to make it easier for the refugees to feel more at ease and less isolated whilst staying in the UK.

The free ESOL classes are available to all Ukrainian adults and their family members supported through the UK government’s ‘Ukraine Family Scheme’ and the ‘Ukraine Sponsorship Scheme’.

Find out more and apply for the free classes.  

Or call 0151 353 4444 or email


Last Updated on Monday, January 30, 2023

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