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Professional Referral

Professional Referral 

Adult Social Care in Sefton has a way for you to make referrals online. You can refer for: 

  • Safeguarding (non urgent) and Care Quality Concerns  
  • Social Care 
  • Occupational Therapy 
  • Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) Forms 1 and 2 
  • The webpage lets you fill out the details online and notifies you when your referral is received. 

Click this button to make a referral

How to Use 

  1. Create an Account: 
  • For individual professionals, use your own email. 
  • For providers, use a business name and a generic email so colleagues can access referrals if needed. 
  1. Fill Out the Form: 
  • The form has text fields and dropdown options to make it easy to use. 
  1. Submit Your Referral: 
  • Click the button to make a referral. 

This system is part of our offer more ways for you to communicate with us, to enable us to manage the needs of those who receive support,  and patients. If you want to be involved in future developments or learn more, contact us at 

Last Updated on Friday, November 1, 2024

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