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Supporting people with Dementia - Herbert Protocol

Supporting People with Dementia - Herbert Protocol 

People with dementia can sometimes wander off and get lost. This might be just into the garden or street, but sometimes they go missing. 

Carers, family, or friends can fill in a Herbert Protocol form in advance. This form has information to help the police if the person goes missing. 

Complete the form now 

Having a completed form means you don’t have to remember details under stress if someone goes missing. It also saves time, so the search can start sooner. 

Complete the form now 

When to fill in a form 

Use your judgment as a carer or family member to decide if someone is at risk of going missing. For example, fill in a form if they can’t remember their address. 

Who fills in the form? 

A carer, family, friends, or the person themselves can fill in the form. Get permission from the person at risk or their relatives first. If that’s not possible, a care home can fill it in if it’s in the person’s best interests. 

Filling in the form together can bring up memories, which can be a meaningful experience. But be aware that some memories might be upsetting. 

What to do with the form 

You can fill in the form on your computer or print it out and fill it in by hand. Keep it somewhere safe and easy to find if the person goes missing. You could also give a copy to friends, family, care services and neighbours. 

Only give the form to the police if the person goes missing. The police will ask extra questions about what happened and what the person was wearing. 

Care homes must store the form according to data protection laws. 

Keep the form up to date if anything changes, like medication or daily routine. 

What to do when someone goes missing 

If someone goes missing, search the house or home, including gardens and outbuildings. 

If you can’t find them, call 999 immediately.  

If you have a hearing or speech impairment, use the textphone service 18000. 

Don’t worry, you won’t be criticised for calling the police if you’re concerned about someone’s safety. 

When you call 999, say you have a Herbert Protocol profile available. If you have an electronic version, ask for an email address to send it to.  

If you have a paper copy, have it ready for the police when they arrive. 

They will ask extra questions about what happened, where and when the person was last seen, and what they were wearing and carrying. 


Last Updated on Friday, November 1, 2024

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