Latest Sefton stops for the Living Well Bus

24 June 2024 2 min read

The ‘Living Well’ bus is visiting Sefton regularly, providing health checks and advice as well as routine immunisations. 

Sefton stops

The bus will be at:

  • Thursday 27th June - Southport Morrisons, Winter Gardens, PR8 1ND

No appointments necessary

Protection against serious diseases

Vaccinations available include including the MMR that provides protection against serious diseases like Measles that are re-emerging in the country.

You can find the latest advice on Measles and the MMR vaccination from NHS Cheshire and Merseyside here. 

Consistent health and care

The service, which is delivered by the Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, was launched in June 2022 to offer a consistent health and care approach across communities across Cheshire and Merseyside. All activity is recorded and shared with your GP, ensuring ongoing understanding and support for your health is in place.

Use this link to find out more about the Living Well service.

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