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Community Learning

About this website

All material on this website, including text, graphics and photographic images, is the copyright of Sefton Council unless otherwise stated. Use may be made of this material by educational and not-for-profit organisations without permission from Sefton Council but a credit to the Council would be appreciated.

We authorise users to view and download material from this site only for your personal, non-commercial use. You must keep the copyright or other notices contained in the original material on anything that you download.


Sefton Council uses Recite Me software so that our residents with accessibility issues can customise our website to meet their needs.

You can use Recite Me to:

  • Read website pages out loud – in different voices and languages
  • Increase and decrease the size of the text
  • Change the type-style – including into a Dyslexic-friendly font
  • Change the screen colours and contrast
  • Use an on-screen magnifying glass
  • Add a ruler to help keep your place on the page
  • View pages in a text-only mode
  • Download audio files of page contents.

To use the service, visitors to the website just need to click on Listen and Translate at the top of every page.

You will then see a toolbar of functions that will help make the pages more accessible for them in multiple ways. There is also a user guide to tell you more and an option to switch the service on and off.


Alternatively, screen reader software is also available online. For your convenience, we have provided a quick link to NVDA, which is a screen reader for Microsoft Windows that is free, fully functional and portable. NVDA (NonVisual Desktop Access) software enables blind and vision impaired people to use a computer by communicating what is on the screen using a synthetic voice or braille. 

We will be constantly working to make this website as accessible and usable as possible. The website doesn’t have a separate accessibility statement. This is because we’ve tried to design it to be as accessible and usable as possible for every user.

You can find our accessible communications policy below

Accessible Communications Policy 2022 2024 (pdf 10.49MB)


Sefton Council makes every attempt to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information stored on and accessible from this web site, but this information should not be relied upon as a substitute for formal advice from Departments of the Council and its partners.

Sefton Council will not be held responsible for any loss or inconvenience caused as a result of inaccuracy or error within this web site.

Links to external websites

We add links from our site to other websites to help you find more information related to our services. However Sefton Council cannot be held responsible for the content of any external site linked to from within this site. 

The inclusion of a link to an external website from the Sefton Council site should not be understood to be an endorsement of that website or the site's owners or their products or services.


This website only uses cookies for setting a home address in the Find My Nearest application and for gathering website statistics via Google Analytics. More information is available in our Cookie Policy.


The Council Advertising Network (CAN) is responsible for delivering advertising on the Sefton Council website. Please take a moment to read the CAN privacy policy which includes cookie information and details on how to opt out.


This site uses PDF documents to provide additional information. PDF documents can be read using Adobe Acrobat Reader. Where Microsoft Word, Excel or PowerPoint documents have been used on the site, we would advise users who do not have Microsoft Office to download the appropriate viewer. 


You should upgrade your web browser (the software you use to access the Internet) if it’s out of date. Upgrading to a newer browser will mean:

  • your computer will be more secure and less likely to be attacked 
  • it will be faster to browse the Internet
  • you’ll see more features on many websites. 

Leave feedback

If you think there are any mistakes or out of date information on any part of the web site, please contact us via email to let us know which page or pages you think need changing.

Last Updated on Monday, October 14, 2024

Recite Me Button Live Chat Software Click4Assistance