- A to Z
- Adult Social Care
Advice & Benefits
- Benefit and Council Tax Fraud
- Brexit
- Cost of Living
- Council Tax Advice
- Crime and emergencies
- Discretionary Housing Payment and Exceptional Hardship Fund Policy Statement
- Domestic Abuse
- Emergency Limited Assistance Scheme
- Foodbanks and Food Pantries
- Help with Council Tax
Help with rent
- Housing Benefit advice for landlords
- Housing Benefit if you rent from a Housing Association
- Housing Benefit if you rent from a private landlord
- How to make a new claim for Housing Benefit
- How to report a Change in Circumstance for Housing Benefit
- Universal Credit
- Who can make a new claim for Housing Benefit
- Will my Housing Benefit claim change to Universal Credit?
- Homes for Ukraine
- Household Support Fund
- Insurance Claims
- Moving into Sefton
- Receiving a Payment from the Council
- Safer Sefton Together
- Sefton Welfare Rights Team
- Trading Standards
- Universal Credit
- Volunteering
- Around Sefton
- Bins and Recycling
- Births, marriages and deaths
- Business Improvement Districts
Business Rates
- Business Rate Updates from 1st April 2025
- Business Rates - Discretionary Rate Relief
- Business Rates - Empty Property Rate Relief
- Business Rates - Freedom of Information
- Business Rates - Hardship Relief
- Business Rates - Mandatory Charity Relief
- Business Rates - Part Occupied Relief
- Business Rates - Retail, Hospitality & Leisure Relief Scheme
- Business Rates - Rural Rate Relief
- Business Rates - Small Business Rate Relief
- Business Rates - Subsidy Control
- Business Rates - Supporting Small Business Rate Relief
- Business Rates - Transitional Relief Scheme from 1 April 2023
- Business support and investment
- Changes in Circumstances
- Collection figures and other information
- Difficulties paying your Business Rates
- Home-based businesses
- How to pay your Business Rates
- Online 'My Account' service
- Rateable value
- Reliefs and exemptions
- Who is liable for business rates?
- Business support and investment
- Caring Business Charter
- Commercial property
- Commercial waste
- Corporate Sponsorship Policy
- Food Hygiene Advice for businesses
- Food hygiene ratings
- Growth and Strategic Investment
- Health and Safety
- Help with recruitment
- Licensing & Registration
- Pay an invoice from the Council
- Planning and Building Control
- Security Services
- Sefton Ways to Work ILM Programme
- Tenders & Contracts
Children's Services
- Care Experienced Young People
- Cared for Children
- Careers
- Children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
- Children's Social Care
- Early Help
- Report a Concern
Schools and Learning
- Attendance and children missing education
- Complementary Education
- Early Years
- Early Years and Childcare
- Education Sufficiency, Organisation, Forums and Strategy
- Find a school
- Further Education
- Governor Services
- Grants and funding
- Libraries
- School Admissions
- School meals
- School terms and holidays
- Schools forum
- Youth Voice
Community Learning
- About Us
- Creative Industry, Health and Wellbeing Courses
- Digital Skills Courses
- Documents and Fees
- Download your prospectus now!
- Education and Training
- Employability
- English Courses
- English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Courses
- Enrol Now/Contact Us
- Family Learning Courses
- Immersive Technology
- Learner Say
- Maths Courses
- Welfare Hub
- Compliments, Comments and Complaints
- Contact the Council
- Cost of Living
- Council Services
- Council Tax
Domestic Abuse
- About Domestic Abuse
- Are you worried about someone else?
- Are you worried about your own behaviour?
- Children and Young people
- How to get help
- Information for professionals working with victims of domestic abuse
- Keeping safe
- Latest News
- Resources
- Sefton Domestic Abuse Partnership Board, Strategy and action plan
- Training
- Adverse weather
- Air Quality
- Energy and Environment
- Environmental Health, Trading Standards and Licensing
- Before, During & After a Flood Event
- Flood Investigation Reports
- Flooding FAQs
- Flooding in Sefton - Know Your Risk
- Land Drainage Consent
- Making space for water - Churchtown and Crossens in Southort
- Managing Flood & Coastal Erosion Risk in Sefton
- News & Updates
- Reporting a Flood
- Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS)
- Pests, Pollution and Food Hygiene
- Equality, Consultation and Accessibility
- Happy 'n' Healthy
- Buckley Hill Lane development
- Council Housing
- Extra Care Housing
- Gypsy and Travellers
- Homelessness
- Housing and Investment Services - Privacy Notice
- Housing benefits
- Housing Safety and Conditions
- Housing Strategies and Policies
- Information Resource for Developers of Social Housing
- Private Sector Housing
- Sheltered Accommodation
- Social Housing in Sefton
- Supported and Specialist Accommodation
- Vacant Homes
- Jobs, Volunteering and Training
- Maps for Bootle Town Hall and Southport Town Hall
MySefton News
Latest News
- ‘Families know themselves best’- Family Group Conference Team launches in Sefton
- ‘High quality, nurturing care’ for children and young people at Springbrook
- ‘Steady progress’ in Sefton Children’s Services in latest Ofsted visit
- ‘Steady progress’ made in Sefton Children’s Services
- ‘We’re Here’ still here to help people find mental health support in Sefton
- £5.6 million recovery plan details extensive support programme for Southport
- A Message To All
- A new accessible friendly theatre is coming to the Atkinson
- A565 Thornton
- Adoption in Merseyside is looking to find adopters for children who wait the longest for families
- Ageing in Sefton is focus of Council’s Public Health Annual Report
- Alex Greenwood project to renovate two Sefton multi-use games facilities
- All aboard for Hornby inspired family fun days at Meadows Library
- All eyes on Sefton as Royal Birkdale confirmed as 154th Open host
- All league games postponed this weekend
- All weather water park returns with a huge Bank Holiday splash!
- Almost 1,300 Sefton households register changes after Council’s Sole Occupier Discount review
- An open letter from the Leader of Sefton Council to emergency services
- Annual Mayor’s Christmas Toy Appeal launches with a bumper donation from local toy store
- Approaching 150 attend InvestSefton’s Winter Economic Forum event
- Back to school coffee mornings in Southport
- Back to school coffee mornings in Southport this week.
- Bamboo is everywhere – especially in Southport on Saturday
- Be fitter and happier this Autumn with Couch to 5K
- Beach-goers Bank Holiday guide
- Biggest turn out yet for Bootle Climate Action Festival 2023
- Blooming good news for Sefton volunteer groups
- Blow off the cobwebs this Christmas
- Booking now open for life-saving flu and COVID-19 vaccinations
- Bootle company's £1m investment to create jobs and boost output welcomed
- Bootle festival returns to put the spotlight on climate action
- Bootle residents urged to have their say ahead of strand transformation
- Botanic Gardens improvement scheme: Consultation findings and next steps
- British Musical Fireworks Championship - Friday 22nd September update
- British Musical Fireworks Championship tickets selling fast
- Building Attachment and Bonds Service (BABS) re-opens for referrals in Sefton
- Bus Franchising Consultation Events
- Business visits to two Bootle businesses supported by Council's InvestSefton team
- Businesses in Sefton are reminded of single-use plastic ban starting October 1st
- Businesses throw support behind Salt and Tar’s star-filled music weekend
- Call us for a CHAT and get support FAST in Sefton Children’s Services
- Campaign launched to help people rethink what they drink
- Car park closures on Tuesday 9th April as high tide and large waves expected to hit Sefton coastline
- Celebrating Special Moments in Fostering: A Tribute to Foster Carers during Foster Carer Fortnight 2024
- Chance that persistent rain overnight and tomorrow could result in flooding in Sefton
- Change to opening hours of Southport Crematorium office
- Changes to Property Pool Plus allocations policy
- Changes to Property Pool Plus allocations policy - update
- Changes to Sefton Council Tax schemes agreed at Council meeting
- Chapel Street Parking Enforcement
- Cheshire and Merseyside’s Directors of Public Health and Population Health issue statement on 'unacceptable' levels of child poverty
- Cheshire and Merseyside’s health leaders say: ‘there has never been a better time to quit a smoking habit that kills two in three’
- Coast visitor guide
- Coasts for Kids project wins prestigious climate award
- Colleges across Merseyside sign up to support cared for and care experienced children and young people in Sefton
- Come along to Sefton@Work opening of new and improved premises
- Come and join Sefton Council’s Fostering community as we ‘take over’ Southport
- Compensation available for Merseyside residents and businesses affected by riots (1)
- Confirmed bird flu along Sefton Coast: What to do if you’re visiting our beaches
- Conservation cattle leave Sefton coast for the summer
- Construction experts to be recommended to Cabinet for Strand redevelopment
- Contractor selected to lead on Southport Pier refurbishment
- Council Cabinet to consider Southport's Enterprise Arcade update
- Council appoints a new Director of Children’s Services
- Council approve sale of land at Lunt to National Trust
- Council asking residents and businesses to opt for paper-free billing to help stamp out cost of postage
- Council calls for National Alcohol Strategy and congratulates people who took on Dry January
- Council duets with local indie pop legends Red Rum Club for new mural
- Council extends vital mental wellbeing support service for young people in Sefton
- Council gives green light for work to start in schools to create over 100 new SEN places
- Council issues water safety reminder as hot spell continues
- Council kicks off playing pitch maintenance works
- Council leader backs Police commitment to dealing with hate crime
- Council Leader Cllr Marion Atkinson responds to award presentation
- Council Leader pledges to stand strong with Muslim friends, neighbours and colleagues
- Council reminds coast visitors of winter changes
- Council responds to closure of Pontins at Ainsdale
- Council saluting Sefton individuals and organisations shortlisted in City Region Culture & Creativity Awards
- Council seeking feedback on technologies that enable people to live independently and safely at home
- Council sets budget and looks to the future
- Council share big 'thanks' to visitors as beach car parks close for winter
- Council shares next steps for Ainsdale-on-Sea
- Council Statement on Southport Attack and Public Inquiry
- Council supports Warm Homes Week 2024
- Council take advantage of growing Padel popularity with plans to revamp underused tennis courts
- Council Tax changes to bring more empty Sefton properties back into use
- Council update on Crosby Village and Waterloo Library
- Council using Council Tax premiums to bring empty properties back into use
- Council's ambitious Southport strategy reaffirmed
- Council’s cost-saving Christmas & New Year shutdown will affect some Sefton bin collections
- Council’s plans for Bootle shortlisted in future ambition category of City Region Property Awards
- Councillors welcome legal follow-up to fly-tipping incident
- COVID-19 spring vaccine bookings to open for Cheshire and Merseyside residents
- Crosby car park will close temporarily for ground investigation works
- Crosby Marine Lake open for classes and sessions
- Deadline for free Voter Authority Certificate applications has now passed
- Dementia Friendly Sefton Forum holding drop-in days and awareness sessions during Dementia Awareness Week
- Demolition to make way for Southport’s new, £73 million Marine Lake Events Centre progressing well
- Did someone say awards season? Time to celebrate the real superstars!
- Digital, creative and tech businesses urged to sign up for next Sefton Huddle
- Digital, creative and tech businesses urged to sign up for second Sefton Huddle
- Directors of Public Health in Cheshire and Merseyside condemn harmful disposable vapes and “disgraceful” targeting of children by tobacco companies
- Do your parents or grandparents, aunts or uncles, friends or neighbours of pensionable age a huge favour by seeing if they qualify for Pension Credit, says Sefton Council’s Communities boss
- Don't get caught out by a rubbish deal warning
- Don't leaf it to a stranger! Sefton Council ask residents to remember Rubbish Responsibilities
- Drainage diversion works on Southport’s Promenade to finish a week early
- Drop-in Information Sessions for The Strand Redevelopment Demolition Work
- Easter 2025 Be Active Guide is here!
- Emerging threat of cyber security among subjects to be covered at next Sefton huddle for Borough’s digital, creative and tech sector businesses
- Emissions continue to fall as shown in latest Climate Emergency annual report
- Ending Social Work Week celebrating the real Superstars!
- Energy-efficient LED lighting helps Sefton on its way to net zero emissions
- Events for National HIV Testing Week
- Extensive exploratory works begin on Southport Pier
- Failing to apply for licence proves costly for Sefton landlord after successful Council prosecution
- Fantastic turnout for Care Experienced Careers Event
- Fatal dog attack on Sefton coast conservation animal
- February Half Term Meal Vouchers could be among last
- Festive season marked in Sefton with help of community choir
- Final call for eligible Sefton residents to apply for a heating retrofit scheme
- Fine issued after Ford ward fly-tipping incident investigation
- Fines of £45,000 imposed after housing standards & licensing prosecutions by Council
- Fire Service warning over fires caused the by Lithium-ion batteries used in e-bikes and e-scooters
- Flag to be flown for Srebrenica Memorial Day
- Flood warning across various areas in Sefton
- Flying the Flag for Fostering! Sefton’s wonderful carers take to the streets to encourage local people to join them
- Flytipping warning as company boss gets fine
- Food and drink opportunities along Sefton coast
- Foodies paradise returns to Southport with global treats and produce on offer
- Football, economy and free business support were on menu for InvestSefton’s summer Economic Forum
- Fostering is Everything – A New Film Shows the Lifelong Impact of Foster Care
- Four things to know when visiting Sefton’s coastline this Easter
- Free cyber-security seminar for sefton businesses
- Free event to find out more how private and public investment is set to transform Bootle and Southport
- Free events to be held to show residents how to keep warm and well this winter
- Free events to support residents to keep warm and well this winter
- Free insulation for eligible homeowners and tenants across Sefton without gas central heating
- Free junior golf membership worth £80 still available to Sefton’s under 16s
- Free travel across the Liverpool City Region for care leavers
- Free, online tool helps Sefton residents to stay independent at home
- Full details of Salt and Tar’s Winter Street Food Market
- Fund worth £165,000 launched to empower communities in the fight against waste
- Future Crossens flooding issues set to be addressed with new project
- Gary Delaney and Seann Walsh to take the stage at this year’s Comedy Weekender in Bootle
- Generous bequest will benefit Southport’s Hesketh Park
- Get fit this Autumn with Sefton’s Couch to 5k course
- Get in the festive spirit at Salt and Tar
- Get your blood pressure checked - it could save your life
- Get your dementia symptoms checklist at any Sefton Library
- Give a loving connection: Foster with Sefton
- Green Sefton's John Dempsey shares new art initiative for children
- Half term in Bootle: unmissable events for the whole family
- Have you Herd? Grazing cattle have returned to Sefton's coast
- Have your say on Phase 2 of Les Transformations de Southport
- Have your say on plans for Covid memorials
- Have your say on potential changes to Southport's Eastern Access Road Network
- Have your say on Sefton's brand new Physical Activity Strategy
- Have your say on Sefton’s All Age Carers Strategy
- Have your say on Sefton’s dog control Public Spaces Protection Order
- Have your say on the Gambling Act Licensing Policy
- Have your say on the new transport plan
- Headliners announced for Bootle venue Salt and Tar’s four-day Fringe Festival of all things comedy, music and arts
- Heavy duty machinery rolls into town to power through Southport Theatre demolition
- Help support Salt and Tar in this year’s UK Festival Awards
- HMS Mersey bestowed with Freedom of Borough accolade
- HMS Mersey's officers and crew parade through Bootle to mark Freedom of the Borough award
- Ho ho ho-me recycling tips this Christmas
- Home Bargains recognised alongside many others at the Sefton@Work STAR Employer Awards
- Homeowners with Sefton Council leases could get opportunity to buy freehold on properties
- Household Support Fund has re-opened in Sefton to provide support with food, energy costs and essential household bills
- Housing developer Sandway Homes seeking views on former Bootle High School site proposals
- How the Council manage the borough's trees
- How to get involved in Switch Off Fortnight
- How to keep dogs safe during a day at the beach
- How to keep safe and well during cold snap
- HRH Princess Royal's visit to Sefton Carers Centre to mark its 30th anniversary
- Hundreds of responses received, still one week left to share your views on the Promenade proposals
- ICYMI: Sefton Council praise cared for students as they head to college and university!
- If we’re not vaccinated, we’re not protected
- Improvement works to Southport’s popular Hesketh Park, made possible by a generous bequest are underway
- Inclusive Nights set to return to Splash World after reopening
- Info for Sefton Swifties attending the Eras Tour
- Information for visitors to Sefton coast this weekend
- Information for XL Bully owners in Sefton
- International delights come to Bootle for Salt and Tar’s official opening
- Introducing the Healthy Green Homes service
- InvestSefton helping Borough's businesses under attack with free cyber-security events
- InvestSefton Instagram workshop to help put local businesses in the picture on social media
- InvestSefton inviting financial & professional companies to next networking group meeting in Southport on Wednesday 17th April
- Is 2025 the Year You Become a Foster Carer? Sefton Council Calls on You to Make a Life-Changing Resolution
- It's time to discover and celebrate Sefton's outstanding and longstanding volunteers!
- Joint summer education programme to support child asylum seekers welcomes first cohort
- July Air Show will see Red Arrows, Battle of Britain Memorial Flight and RAF Typhoon soar through Southport’s summer seafront skies.
- Just over two weeks left for people to get their Spring COVID booster jabs
- Keep Warm Keep Well event returns to The Atkinson next Monday
- Kick off the festive season at The Strand
- King’s Gardens wins coveted Green Flag Award and is recognised officially as one of the country’s best parks
- LABC award for Jack
- Last chance to have your say on the next steps in Bootle’s transformation
- Latest SeftonCrowd funding round launches to help community groups
- Latest update on Ainsdale-on-Sea facilities
- Leading Contractor GRAHAM to Deliver Marine Lake Events Centre in Southport
- Lemar and Toploader play at spectacular Christmas live show in Southport
- Letter sent to parents and carers of Southport schools pupils
- LGBT+ Adoption and Fostering Week 2024
- Lights, Camera and Action for demolition team as they rescue historic Theatre memorabilia
- Lioness Alex describes 'pride' of Bootle roots as she receives Freedom of the Borough
- Living Well Bus back in Sefton
- Living Well Sefton service seeking users' views
- Local Offer Live: Come Meet Our SEND Teams
- Local residents being invited to drop-in session on Salt and Tar’s 2025 events programme
- Loose battery in rubbish causes Sefton Council bin lorry fire
- Lord Lieutenant and High Sheriff of Merseyside visits Bootle company to present King's Award for Enterprise
- Love Parks Week is here, the perfect time to celebrate local parks
- Loving and stable families are needed for over 50 children in Merseyside
- Make a Difference: New Campaign Launched to Attract People to Council Career
- Making connections and being heard: Sefton SEND children attend Annual Youth Conference
- Marine Lake Events Centre project approved by Planning Committee
- Marine Lake Events Centre project takes monumental step forward as demolition contractor chosen
- Maritime Corridor Improvement Scheme
- Mayor issues thanks as Christmas Toy Appeal supports nearly 1300 children
- Mayor of Sefton launches 2023 Christmas Toy Appeal
- Men aged 65 or older - have you missed your invite for AAA screening?
- Mental wellbeing campaign reminds Sefton residents: We’re here still
- Merseyrail announces Boxing Day services
- Metro Mayor Steve Rotheram Congratulates fast-growing Southport tech firm
- Mobile clinic service to be expanded after successful pilot
- More welcoming route to school for Litherland pupils after Council’s subway clean-up
- Moving Traffic Offences enforcement
- Music fans from across the world flock to Salt and Tar Music Weekender in Bootle
- National cost of living payments to low income households now underway
- Negligent landlord who ignored safety risks penalised in court
- Networking event for Liverpool City Region’s computer gaming industry coming to Southport in May
- New CGI video is chance to fly through visionary Bootle Strand plans
- New Changing Places facilities to open across Sefton
- New contract to continue work tackling domestic abuse in Sefton
- New Council Leader visits Sefton businesses and praises their community involvement
- New film shows how you can help NHS ensure everyone gets the care they need
- New fly-tipping campaign sees Sefton Council asking residents #WFT?
- New footage shows progress on Sefton’s first new council housing for almost two decades
- New homes set to make “enormous difference” to Ainsdale community
- New Housing Strategy Action Plan underpins Borough’s Housing Strategy
- New Legislation Means Rise in Cost of Bulky Item Collection in Sefton
- New National Lottery funding for Sefton’s Libraries Service will enable expansion of support for sanctuary-seeking women in Bootle
- New online Child Benefit claims service for new parents
- New online portal helps Sefton residents to use the internet
- New online support for breathing illnesses
- New Safeguarding Adults Bulletin launches for Sefton residents
- New service to be launched with Barnardo's to support children and young people with SEND
- New Skills and New Friends: Sefton Virtual School and Hugh Baird Joint Project hailed as a big success!
- New Tourism website launches to showcase Sefton at its best
- New website for Salt and Tar launched
- New, ‘My Account’ service makes managing Council Tax & Business rate accounts simpler for Sefton households and businesses.
- New, Taking the Lead campaign to improve safety around dogs
- Newly Qualified Social Workers: Come and Meet Our Social Work Academy Team!
- Next free InvestSefton Financial & Professional Networking Group event is on Wednesday 16th October
- Next InvestSefton Economic Forum to take place on Thursday 6th June
- Next step for Bootle’s transformation unveiled as planning application is submitted
- Next steps confirmed for Crosby's former Carnegie Library
- NHS bosses urging people to make healthy preparations for long, Easter Bank Holiday weekend
- NHS Pharmacies now able to treat people for seven common conditions
- NHS Trusts will be affected by hospital consultant strikes from Thursday 24th to Saturday 26th August
- No BBQs or fires reminder for beach goers as risk of wildfires increased
- Nominations are now open for the Citizens 4 Good Southport event
- Nominations now open for Citizens 4 Good Summer Event
- Nominations now open for the best building designs & architecture in Sefton
- North West turns pink this weekend to stand with those impacted by Southport tragedy
- Not long left to apply for community recycling funding
- Ocean Colour Scene Confirmed for Salt and Tar Music Weekender
- One week left for nominations to 2024 Liverpool City Region Culture & Creativity Awards
- Opening of Rainbow Park new multi-use games facility marks the 100th play site provided by Sefton Council
- Opportunity for Sefton residents and health and care professionals to benefit from health app library
- Over 120 businesses attended event to find out more about the exciting projects taking shape in the Sefton
- Over 120 Sefton businesses attend latest InvestSefton economic forum
- Over 220 attend Sefton@Work’s 'Be Inspired Sefton' event
- Over 25 attend Sefton business start up event
- Over 30 businesses attend first Sustainable Sefton event in Southport
- Over 40 of Sefton’s digital, creative and tech sector attend InvestSefton’s October Huddle
- Parents & guardians urged to check children & young people's measles vaccinations
- Parents & guardians urged to check children & young people's Measles vaccinations after national incident declared
- Parents and carers invited to share their thoughts on local maternity services at a listening event.
- Park Nights return for summer of fun thanks to Active Sefton
- Partnership’s contribution to Sefton health and care recognised with award nomination
- People across Merseyside are being asked to help shape a new strategy with the aim of reducing serious violence across our region
- People asked to consider right place for treatment as Winter pressure on hospitals grows rapidly
- People being urged to #thinkbeforeyoushare online
- People in Sefton invited for missed cervical screening appointments
- People urged to book winter jabs in time for Christmas
- Perfect your Gargoyle carving skills with a special heritage workshop in Southport
- Places are being snapped up for InvestSefton’s Summer Economic Forum
- Places available for InvestSefton’s ‘Maximise your Margins’ event in January
- Plan for Bootle Strand wins Future Ambition Award
- Plan your trip to the beach this summer
- Planning application submitted for Crosby Town Centre improvement plans
- Plans approved for next stage of Bootle Strand redevelopment
- Postponed: Picturesque 5K challenge returns to Crosby Lakeside
- Preparations for £20 million development scheme start at Bootle's Strand shopping centre
- Presentation on Sefton’s local system partnership at national conference described as ‘brilliant example of local partnership working’
- Primary pupils and care home residents working together to create eco-collage
- PSPO reminder to those overnight parking
- Public advised to contact NHS 111 online during this week's junior doctors strike
- Public urged to use NHS 111 ahead of latest Junior Doctors' strikes
- Quiet Nights return to Splash World Southport
- RAF Chinook confirmed for 2023 Southport Air Show
- Record crowds enjoy sunny three days of Southport Food & Drink 2024
- Recycling Centre winter hours
- Recycling Discovery Centre to hold British Sign Language Supported Tour
- Red Arrows to roar over Sefton during Southport Air Show 2023
- Red Rum Club join star-studded Music Weekender bill
- Refurbished toilet blocks reopen at Ainsdale beach
- Refurbishment of ‘eyesore’ Southport bar will create a landmark building in town’s Promenade Conservation Area
- Reminder letters going out as part of Sefton Council Tax discounts review
- Residents encouraged to attend their cervical screening appointments
- Residents urged to be vigilant when disposing of waste
- Rethinking your drinking for sober October? The Lower My Drinking app can help
- Review of Council Tax Discounts for Sole Occupiers
- Safe dog ownership a focus as Sefton Council approves Dog Control Public Spaces Protection Order
- Salt and Tar announce new comedy and arts festival following additional funding
- Salt and Tar Fringe Festival Brings a Weekend of Unmissable Events to Bootle
- Salt and Tar reveals bumper 2024 events schedule
- Salt and Tar’s music weekend hits all the right notes
- Salt and Tar’s success recognised in Liverpool City Region Awards as details of next year’s headliners start to emerge
- Sandway homes gets latest Sefton development underway with new partnership
- Sandway springs into a new year with open event on Saturday 23rd March for last few properties available!
- Scheme that has provided cash support to over 11,000 Sefton households since April closed to new applications
- Schoolchildren across Sefton have their voices heard in new consultation
- Schools' tributes to victims on tragic Southport incident
- Second wave of Home Upgrade Grant available for eligible Sefton residents
- Sefton appoints leading UK construction group to work on MLEC project
- Sefton bin collections resume as scheduled
- Sefton bin collections scheduled to be up to date by Saturday
- Sefton buildings show they have star quality at awards ceremony
- Sefton business networking group for financial and professional sectors relaunched this month
- Sefton businesses invited to InvestSefton’s Winter Economic Forum & Marketplace
- Sefton calls for end of violence against women and girls on White Ribbon Day
- Sefton calls to scrap two child benefit cap
- Sefton care home recognised for exceptional work supporting residents at regional awards
- Sefton care homes make big changes with Council grant
- Sefton care homes to benefit from dementia-friendly grants
- Sefton celebrates courageous women on the Adverse Childhood Experiences programme
- Sefton celebrates third year of progress towards net zero carbon target
- Sefton childhood poverty conference hears how our surroundings growing up affect our future opportunities
- Sefton children have cracking time decorating Eurovision egg
- Sefton Coast Landscape Partnership share joint message to those visiting Sefton’s beaches
- Sefton Community Learning Service has a new course guide for Summer 2025
- Sefton Community Learning Service Launches Spring Prospectus
- Sefton conference looks at overcoming lifetime legacy of growing up in poverty
- Sefton confirms exclusivity agreement with Cove project for land in Southport
- Sefton Council ‘disappointed’ with financial settlement
- Sefton Council & Wombles celebrate common goal through new partnership
- Sefton Council and Everton team up for matchday transport plan
- Sefton Council and Spacehive launch the Spring 2025 round of ‘Sefton Crowd’ with funding available for community projects
- Sefton Council announces Philip Porter as new Chief Executive
- Sefton Council asks private properties to remove temporary tributes
- Sefton Council Cabinet asked to back plans for a new shared library, health & wellbeing facility in Crosby village
- Sefton Council Cabinet gives go-ahead to acquiring Borough’s first new council housing since 2006
- Sefton Council Cabinet meeting to receive housing development company update
- Sefton Council Cabinet member and Bootle MP visit local business and organisation connecting young people with opportunities
- Sefton Council Celebrates Foster Care Fortnight
- Sefton Council Celebrates Social Workers on World Social Work Day
- Sefton Council celebrates Windrush legacy in Black History Month event
- Sefton Council closes support fund after allocating £900,000 to local households
- Sefton Council condemns 'vile' sharing of festival video
- Sefton Council dedicates efforts to preserving memorial spaces
- Sefton Council extends partnership working with Bootle Tool Shed
- Sefton Council honours Srebrenica Memorial Day
- Sefton Council is a proud corporate parent as results season comes to an end
- Sefton Council is offering for sale 22&24 Stanley Road, Bootle
- Sefton Council is proud to celebrate Black History Month
- Sefton Council is proud to support Pride Month
- Sefton Council joins calls for vital crisis funding to be extended
- Sefton Council joins national campaign to CARE this Care Leavers Week
- Sefton Council launch Guaranteed Interview Scheme for care experienced people
- Sefton Council Launches We're Here Mental Health Campaign
- Sefton Council leader 'appalled' at abuse of polling station staff over ID requirements
- Sefton Council leader congratulates Bootle based company’s second Royal Award for export
- Sefton Council leader welcomes extension of pioneering City Region tutor training scheme
- Sefton Council mark World Oceans Day with stark reminder of the impact of litter
- Sefton Council marks Ukraine Independence Day
- Sefton Council moves on to second stage of Council Tax discount review
- Sefton Council once again extends free school meals to families over half term
- Sefton Council once again providing £15 food vouchers for eligible children and young people during October half-term
- Sefton Council pledges to break down barriers for disabled people across our community
- Sefton Council reminds residents of mental health debt respite scheme
- Sefton Council responds to Remembrance Sunday parking fine claims
- Sefton Council say ‘miss school, miss out’ as it launches new push on school attendance
- Sefton Council shows commitment to tackling inequality with Socioeconomic Duty Pledge
- Sefton Council stage fly-tip to raise profile of the issue locally
- Sefton Council Statement on Latest Ofsted Monitoring Visit to Children's Services
- Sefton Council supporting Know Your Numbers week to highlight dangers of high blood pressure
- Sefton Council supports Net Zero Week 2023
- Sefton Council supports World Drowning Prevention Day 2023
- Sefton Council to allocate further £2.4 million to help people facing cost-of-living crisis this winter
- Sefton Council urges people to seek help if facing debt problems
- Sefton Council want your views to develop brand new Culture Strategy
- Sefton council wants to expose the rogue traders and unmask the false frends this stop loan sharks week
- Sefton Council wants to hear from Borough's 30,000 carers to help shape better future for vital role
- Sefton Council welcomes additional Emergency Homelessness funding
- Sefton Council works with Hart Space owners to open new location in Southport
- Sefton Council's Leader responds to incident in Southport
- Sefton Council’s commitment to LGBT+ issues once again recognised with Navajo Charter Mark
- Sefton Council’s Director of Public Health Margaret Jones urges pregnant women to book RSV vaccination at 28 weeks
- Sefton Council’s Foster Carers launch Sefton Foster Care Association
- Sefton facing highest ever demand for homelessness support this World Homelessness Day
- Sefton Families Service means people’s “lives completely changed” by having a secure and stable home’
- Sefton Families Service tops homelessness category at Northern Housing Awards
- Sefton full council meeting confirms acquisition of first new council homes in since 2006
- Sefton health bosses welcome MPs’ backing of the new Tobacco and Vapes bill
- Sefton households with pre-payment gas or electricity meters have just days to claim unused energy support scheme vouchers
- Sefton kids smash £10k target as they run for safer communities
- Sefton lauded as having one of UK's top Planning departments
- Sefton Libraries celebrate microgrant success
- Sefton Licensing Scheme for Landlords
- Sefton lights up for Windrush 75 commemorations
- Sefton offers free support for businesses as Southport recovery continues
- Sefton once again showcases its green-fingered expertise at North West in Bloom
- Sefton opens new Care Experienced Hub this Care Leavers Week
- Sefton organisation shortlisted for national inclusivity award
- Sefton partners ensure Southport families have an egg-cellent easter!
- Sefton pensioners urged to check if they can claim Pension Credit worth £3,900 per year
- Sefton reflects on tragic incident
- Sefton reminds communities about tackling modern slavery
- Sefton residents asked to be on their guard for Careline scammers
- Sefton residents being urged to apply to Open Access Household Support Fund
- Sefton residents can now apply for financial aid through extended Household Support Fund
- Sefton residents encouraged to join the Big Recycling Hunt
- Sefton says Give Back and Get Ahead- Could you be a School Governor?
- Sefton schools receive Trauma and Attachment Award
- Sefton sets out Bootle's 20 year vision as part of transformation plans
- Sefton sign legendary Marine Lake Events Centre deal with global events brand
- Sefton social workers celebrated with marketplace event
- Sefton staff show their Pride in Liverpool march
- Sefton supports National Safeguarding Adults Week
- Sefton teams up with high street shops to discourage wild bird feeding in town centres
- Sefton to honour fantastic people and places as Borough reaches half-century
- Sefton urges residents to contribute to boundary change consultation
- Sefton welcomes £20 million funding announcement for Bootle Strand regeneration
- Sefton, Liverpool and Knowsley Councils join to launch inspiring short film about fostering
- Sefton's changing coastline by John Dempsey
- Sefton's Gill says she won't stop after 50 years of helping children and families
- Sefton’s civic building lighting up red for Sunday’s World Aids Day
- Sefton’s civic buildings will be lit to second anniversary Ukraine invasion
- Sefton’s financial & professional companies attend InvestSefton’s latest group event
- Sefton’s network of Warm Spaces once again welcoming people across the Borough this winter
- Sefton@Work have moved to The Strand
- Sefton@work hosting free event for anyone wanting to explore fresh career opportunities and develop new skills
- Sell out crowds wowed by incredible Musical Fireworks Championship
- Share the Love of Learning: Valentine's Day at our SEND Conference
- Short, temporary suspension of Sefton’s Household Support Fund to ensure successful applicants get money by Christmas
- Signed, sealed, to be delivered: Hesketh Park improvement works thanks to generous bequeath
- Simple Things still count - staying well for Christmas
- Sir Ron celebrates more than half a century as a community councillor
- Sleeping Beauty will be December’s dream pantomime at The Atkinson in Southport
- Small changes to try in Plastic Free July
- Small steps to make a big change this Clean Air Day
- Smokers urged to take part in ‘Stoptober’, and help make Cheshire and Merseyside smokefree
- Social Work Week: Celebrating The Privilege and Importance of Working With Families
- Sold! Council complete sale of land at Lunt to National Trust
- Southport Air Show receives huge annual investment from Sefton Council
- Southport bear hunt gets underway for 12 weeks of family fun
- Southport businesses urged to attend special economy forum in disaster recovery
- Southport Cycle Lanes used over 2.5 million times set to be made permanent
- Southport Eco Centre’s Christmas calendar returns!
- Southport engineering students get 'invaluable' insight into Pier works
- Southport Heritage Open Days
- Southport in Bloom announced as UK Finalist
- Southport Market prepares for a spooktacular October half term
- Southport Market turns two as sales hit record levels!
- Southport Pier photos show clear extent of damage to iconic structure
- Southport Pier September 2023 Update
- Southport Pier Special Cabinet Update
- Southport pupils get crafty to inspire Marine Lake Events Centre project
- Southport Strong Together Appeal launched
- Southport students launch Borough's first ever School Streets pilot
- Southport's 2024 Air Show is a soaring success
- Special Guest visits Sefton as part of Social Work Week
- Springbrook praised for ‘passionate’ staff and ‘child focused’ care
- Statement from the Leader of Sefton Council, LCR Metro Mayor, and Council leaders of Liverpool, St Helens, Knowsley, Wirral and Halton.
- Statement on National Highways decision on A5036 Park Lane Footbridge
- Statement regarding Councillor Paul Tweed
- Status Quo set to rock all over Bootle
- Strand By Me is now open in its new premises
- Substantial fines for Sefton landlord after Council Licence prosecution
- Success for Sefton Schools at the Educate Awards
- Success for Sefton@Work team as they celebrate new premises
- Support from Smoke Free Sefton at the heart of Council’s Valentine’s quitting campaign
- Supported Internships in the spotlight at Lake House event
- Supporting your children’s ‘super bodies’ this winter
- Suspected bird flu along Sefton Coast: What to do if you're visiting our beaches
- Sustainable Sefton programme launches with accommodation event at the Waterfront Southport Hotel
- Tackling damp & mould and Renters Rights Bill among subjects covered at recent Sefton Landlords Forum
- Take off for new MySpace team tackling exploitation in Sefton
- Talking Balls
- Teenage Market at Bootle’s Salt and Tar provides opportunity for Sefton’s budding entrepreneurs
- The Lathums revealed for extra Friday spot at next month's Salt and Tar music festival in Bootle
- The Mayor of Sefton’s Charity Divas Night
- There's loads to do for young people in Sefton this summer!
- There’s no such thing as a ‘normal’ family, say 66% of North West England as National Adoption Week highlights different adoption journeys
- Thirteen new projects getting underway for people aged 65+ in Sefton
- Thirty businesses from Borough's financial and professional sectors attend InvestSefton event
- This year you could do something amazing. Foster with Sefton and you could be the difference in a child’s life.
- Thornton Garden Of Rest given 'Excellent' status by national judges
- Thousand wowed by incredible night of British Musical Fireworks Championship
- Tickets now on sale for amazing calendar of tourism events in 2025
- Tickets on sale for amazing calendar of tourism events in 2024
- Tickets still available for British Musical Fireworks Championship
- Tickets still on sale for this weekend's Comedy Festival at Salt & Tar in Bootle
- Time running out to nominate entries for 2023 Design Awards
- Tom Jones Bootle-bound as Salt and Tar’s Music Weekender returns
- Tree-ific improvements to Sefton's parks and greenspaces
- Tributes issued by schools of Elsie-Dot Stancombe, Bebe King and Alice da Silva Aguiar
- Two free events to provide help and advice for anyone wanting to start up a business in Sefton
- Two new free training events for local landlords
- Two Sefton community pharmacies now providing walk-in MMR vaccines for children who missed earlier doses
- Two Sefton greenspaces benefit from improvement works
- Two Sefton services for people facing homelessness shortlisted for 2024 Northern Housing Awards
- Unpaid carers in the spotlight for Carers Week
- Update on improvement works at Ainsdale-on-Sea
- Update on ploughed fields in Lunt
- Update on removal of windblown sand at Crosby Coastal Park
- Urgent Notice: Postal voters need to get in touch if their pack has not been delivered
- Vital schemes providing vital, cost-of-living support in Sefton could be lost through national funding cut
- Vital work to begin near Marine Lake Events Centre
- Volunteers help to keep Bootle clean with street litter pick
- Vote now to confirm The Lake House Waterloo as Merseyside’s 'Hidden Gem'
- Vouchers worth £15 per child per week being provided to eligible Sefton families over the school summer holidays
- Want to be your own boss? - then these two, free InvestSefton events are for you
- Warm welcome as Sefton Children’s Services goes international!
- Warning loan sharks are targeting older people and who don’t have English as first language
- Waste Authority asks householders to 'recycle right' this Christmas and New Year
- What to know if you are organising or attending events in Sefton
- Work to clear popular footpath
- Work to start on Borough’s first council housing in 17 years Sefton Council cabinet will hear
- Work to start on landmark Enterprise Arcade project in Southport
- Work to start on Maritime Corridor travel improvements
- Working in partnership is the theme for this year’s Safeguarding Adults Week
- Working together is the focus for this year’s Co-Production Week
- Works begin ahead of Marine Lake Events Centre creation
- Works begin on huge creative hub project in heart of Southport
- World Immunisation Week is opportunity to ensure you are up to date with all vaccinations says Sefton Health Chief
- World Mental Health Day 2023
- Year 11 Pupils Invited to Discover the World of Healthcare in New After School Academy
- You can now visit the free Sefton Open 2024 art exhibiton at The Atkinson in Southport
- Young Sefton artists can win chance to work with international stars
- News Search Results
Latest News
Parking, Roads & Travel
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- Active Travel Schools
- Consultation on the new Local Transport Plan (LTP)
- Crosby Town Centre Regeneration
- Electric Vehicles and Charging Points
- Gritting
- Highway development and design
- Inclusive Streets
- Installation of Telegraph Poles
- Major Highway Projects in Sefton
- MOT, vehicle servicing and repair
- Parking
- Pavement Licence
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- Quick and easy travel to Everton Stadium
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Building Control
- Building Control current partners
- Changes to the Building Regulations from 1st October 2023
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- Electrical installation information for home owners
- High-rise residential buildings within the borough of Sefton
- Making a building regulations application
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- View planning and building applications on a map
- Conservation and Heritage
- Do I Need Permission?
- Get advice on development proposals before making an application
- How we use your personal information in Planning
- Land Charges
- Planning Accredited Agents
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Planning Policy including Local Plan and Neighbourhood Planning
- Adopted Supplementary Planning Documents/Guidance
- Article 4 Direction for Bootle Shopping Parades Class E to C3
- Article 4 Direction for Houses in Multiple Occupation
- Article 4 Direction for Park House
- Authority's Monitoring Report
- Bootle Area Action Plan
- Brownfield Land Register
- Call for Sites 2024
- Community Infrastructure Levy
- Emerging Supplementary Planning Documents
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- First Homes and Discounted Market Sale Homes
- Local Development Scheme
- Local Plan
- Local Plan Archive
- Local Plan Archive Index
- Merseyside and Halton Waste Local Plan
- Neighbourhood Planning
- Recreation Mitigation Strategy
- Sefton Movers' Survey
- Sefton Self and Custom Build Register
- Statement of Community Involvement
- Planning Services Charter 2024
- Search and View Planning Applications and Appeals
- Sefton Design Awards 2023
- SIMON - Sefton Interactive Maps Online
Public Health
- Ageing in Sefton: Public Health Annual Report - 2022
- Combating Drugs Partnership
- Health advice and services in Sefton
- Mental Health & Emotional Wellbeing
- Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment Public Survey
- Public Health Annual Report
- Scarlet fever and group A strep
- Sefton Partnership
- Sefton's Child Poverty Strategy
- Support with looking after your mental health
- Winter 2024 immunisations
- Your good health checklist
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- Safer Sefton Together
- Sefton Home
- SeftOnline
- Social Care and Health
- Southport Together
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- Summer Holidays in Sefton
- Why Fly Tip?
Your Council
- Accessible Communications Policy 2022 2024
- Consultations, complaints & feedback
- Contact the Council
- Council Budget and Spending
- Councillors, Meetings, Decisions
- Elections
- Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training
- One Council Values
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Plans & Policies
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- Business Intelligence, Insight, & Performance
- Children, Young People & Families
- Coast
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- Environmental Protection
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- Housing strategies and policies
- IT and Digital
- Licensing Act Policy Statement
- Planning Policies
- Sefton Economic Strategy
- Sefton Health and Wellbeing Board
- Transport and Highways Policies
- Vision and Core Purpose
- Workforce Plan 2023-2026
- Privacy policy
- Sefton maps and find my nearest disclaimer
- The Mayor
- Transparency
- Vision and Core Purpose
- Website Accessibility Statement
- Working Stronger Together (Co-production)