If you are a parent/carer of year 6 children who are due to transfer to secondary school in September 2025, make sure to apply for their secondary school by 31st October 2024

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Care Home Information

Care Homes Information 

This page contains information for Care Home Providers

Cost of Care Report - Care Homes (65+)

Please find below the cost of care report document.

Annex B Care Homes Sefton Council (pdf 1.8MB)

Direct Payments

Direct Payments Info can be found here 

Resource Packs

North West Care Home Resource Pack - November 2021

The UK Health Security Agency’s Care Home Acute Respiratory Resource Pack is available for Care Homes which includes key messages and contact numbers as well as information on prevention of Acute respiratory infection, management of respiratory infection cases and outbreaks, testing and PPE.

NW Care Home Resource Pack - Nov 2021 (word 979KB)


Sefton Council and South Sefton and Southport and Formby CCGs want to support you in whatever way we can during this crisis period and one of the ways was to develop the Education and Training Programme for Care Providers. 

The document below highlights the key areas where there are free education and supporting resources available for you and your staff not only on a national level but what’s available locally here in Sefton.

The resources contained within this document are also available can be accessed via Sefton Council’s Learner Management System. Further information explaining how to access the online version can be found on page 8 of the document. 

This document and the electronic version will be regularly reviewed to include updates as we receive them and will be shaped to meet your need. If you have any suggestions as to what else needs to be included please let us know by emailing Louise Kearney, Learning and Development Officer at louise.kearney@sefton.gov.uk

Training can be found here


Last Updated on Tuesday, August 13, 2024

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