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English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Courses

Our ESOL courses (English for Speakers of Other Languages) cater to individuals aged 19 and above, including settled minority communities, refugees and asylum seekers, who do not speak English as their first language. These courses enhance English language skills, covering reading, writing, speaking, and interpersonal communication skills necessary for daily life and work in the UK. 

We provide a range of ESOL course, staring from introductory levels to qualifications at Pre-Entry to Level 1.

ESOL courses focus on the individual needs of the learner and are delivered by qualified and experienced ESOL tutors.

These courses are designed to improve communication and fluency in English, improve employability skills, as well as supporting learners in understanding laws and values of the United Kingdom. 

ESOL Courses we offer: 

Who this course is for

Adults who speak another language and want to improve their English. This is an introduction course to our ESOL Entry level courses to help you communicate in your daily life in the UK and be part of your community.

What you will learn

Talk to your tutor to set your goals and to identify the help you need.

In this course you will cover a range of topics and grammar skills that prepare you to join a course leading to a qualification at Entry level (Entry 1 - Entry 3).  See some examples of topics:

  • Meeting and greeting new people   
  • Health (Doctors/Dentist)
  • Healthy Living and Food 
  • Travel and Transport 
  • Simple directions and instructions   
  • Me and my home   


Knowledge and Skills needed to join the course

This is a beginner’s course.  No qualifications needed but you need lots of enthusiasm for learning.    

Complete an initial assessment to show your level and help find the best class for you.

On this course you will need to:

  • Follow instructions
  • Listen and join in class activities
  • Write down notes
  • Keep your work organised in a file


The materials you will need 

To enrol you need your National Insurance number and proof of benefits / eligibility (passport, ID card, if applicable). 

You will need: pen, paper and a folder to keep your work.

How you will learn 

  • Tutor presentation in class
  • Practice activities and tests in class
  • Homework and links to online activities

Your tutor will tell you how well you are doing and help you improve.

What happens after you complete your course

You can progress onto an Entry Level qualification in ESOL.

At Sefton Community Learning Service we start at Entry 1 and go up to Entry 3 in Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening. 

We also offer Level 1 ESOL if you have got Entry 3 qualifications in all skills. 

Ask your tutor for advice. 

Sefton@Work will be able to provide independent information, advice, and guidance to support you making informed choices for progression into further education, volunteering, or employment.

How to enrol 

You can find out how to enrol on this page. 

Who this course is for

Anyone who is not a native English speaker and needs to improve their language skills to get more out of their life in the UK and integrate into their community.  This is a beginner’s course.

What you will learn

You will set your learning goals and discuss support with your tutor.

This course will help you with your writing skills and building your confidence. In this course you will cover:

  • Different types of texts (leaflet, timetables, mobile phone messages, etc…)
  • Get information from short text
  • Recognise symbols in text
  • Recognise key words and numbers in text
  • Identify letters of the alphabet in upper and lower case
  • Fundamental British Values


Knowledge and Skills needed to join the course

No previous knowledge or English skills needed but you need to have completed an Intro to ESOL course.

On this course you will need to be able to:

  • Follow instructions
  • Listen and join in class
  • Write down notes
  • Keep your work in a file

The materials you will need 

For enrolment you will need to bring your National Insurance number and proof of benefits/eligibility (if applicable). 

You need pen and paper and a file to keep your work organised.

How you will learn 

Each session the tutor will make a presentation followed by activities to practise. 

You will revise and practise each session and learn in small blocks.

Your progress will be checked by informal tasks in class and an exam at the end of the course. Your tutor will tell you how well you are doing and help you make good progress.

What happens after you complete your course

At Sefton Community Learning courses start at Entry 1 and go up to Level 1 in Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening.

You can move to Entry 2 Level qualifications in ESOL once you have completed all elements of Entry 1 (Reading, Speaking & Listening and Writing).

When you complete the Entry Level qualifications, you can move to Level 1 ESOL. Your tutor will show you the Progression Ladder for ESOL courses.

Sefton@Work will be able to provide independent information, advice, and guidance to support you making informed choices for progression into further education, volunteering, or employment.

How to enrol 

You can find out how to enrol on this page. 

Who this course is for

Anyone who is not a native English speaker and needs to improve their language skills to get more out of their life in the UK and integrate into their community. 

This course is for beginners, that want to learn to speak and understand English. 

What you will learn

You will set your learning goals and discuss support with your tutor.

This course will help you with your speaking and listening skills and building your confidence.  In this course you will cover:

  • Meeting and greeting new people / Giving personal Information
  • Phonics / Making requests / How to express opinion
  • Health and Healthy Living / Making appointments / NHS services
  • Time / Daily Routines / Questioning using ‘Wh’ words
  • My House / use common adjectives to describe people, places and things
  • My Community / ask for and give directions
  • Weather and Seasons
  • Education and Employment
  • Shopping and Money
  • Fundamental British Values


Knowledge and Skills needed to join the course

You don’t need to have any qualifications, but you will need to complete an Introduction to ESOL course first.

On this course you will need to:

  • Follow instructions
  • Listen and join in class
  • Write down notes
  • Keep your work in a file

The materials you will need 

For enrolment you will need your NI number and proof of benefits/eligibility (if applicable). 

You need pen and paper and a file to keep your work organised.

How you will learn 

Each session the tutor will make a presentation followed by lots of practice. 

You will revise and practise each session and learn in small blocks.

Your progress will be checked by informal tasks in class and an exam at the end of the course.  Your tutor will tell you how well you are doing and help you make good progress.

What happens after you complete your course

At Sefton Community Learning courses start at Entry 1 and go up to Level 1 in Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening.

We offer Level 1 ESOL for those learners who have achieved their Entry qualifications.  Your tutor will show you the Progression Ladder for ESOL courses. 

Sefton@Work will be able to provide independent information, advice, and guidance to support you making informed choices for progression into further education, volunteering, or employment.

How to enrol 

You can find out how to enrol on this page. 

Who this course is for

Anyone who is not a native English speaker and needs to improve their language skills to get more out of their life in the UK and integrate into their community.

This is a beginners course.

What you will learn

You will set your learning goals and discuss support with your tutor.

This course will help you with your writing skills and building your confidence. In this course you will cover:

  • Handwriting activities – forming letters – upper and lower case
  • Basic Punctuation / Spelling strategies / Spelling simple key and familiar words
  • Construct simple sentences: word order/subject verb agreement about different topics e.g. Myself, My house, My family, My wishes
  • Describing people / Likes and dislikes
  • Describing places / Write about your favourite place
  • How to write an email / Write an email to a friend
  • How to write and informal letter / Filling in forms
  • How to write a formal letter
  • Fundamental British Values


Knowledge and Skills needed to join the course

This is the last part of Entry 1 qualifications. It is expected that you have already achieved Entry1 Reading and Speaking and Listening qualification.

On this course you will need to be able to:

  • Follow instructions
  • Listen and join in class
  • Write down notes
  • Keep your work in a file

The materials you will need 

For enrolment you will need to bring your National Insurance number and proof of benefits/eligibility (if applicable). 

You need pen and paper and a file to keep your work organised.

How you will learn 

Each session the tutor will make a presentation followed by activities to practise. 

You will revise and practise each session and learn in small blocks.

Your progress will be checked by informal tasks in class and an exam at the end of the course. Your tutor will tell you how well you are doing and help you make good progress.

What happens after you complete your course

You can move to Entry 2 Level qualifications in ESOL. 

At Sefton Community Learning Service we start at Entry 1 and go up to Entry 3 in Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening.

When you complete the Entry Level qualifications, you can move to Level 1 ESOL.

Your tutor will show you the Progression Ladder for ESOL courses.

Sefton@Work will be able to provide independent information, advice, and guidance to support you making informed choices for progression into further education, volunteering, or employment.

How to enrol 

You can find out how to enrol on this page. 

Enrol for an ESOL course

When you've decided the course that's right for you (see the list below) register with us online to enrol - this will only take a moment to do! All learners need to enrol as soon as possible and before course date to ensure their places.

Before you start an ESOL course you will have a short assessment, this will ensure you are on the right course for your individual level of learning - we will contact you to an arrange an appointment for your assessment.

Check out our Prospectus for Autumn 2024

We also offer a wide variety of further education, including vital maths and English skills, training and courses too improve employability and useful life skills to improve your confidence and well being. 

To view the other courses we offer, download your prospectus today!


Meet some of our Learners and Staff 

In this video you can hear first hand from our learners and staff, the difference Sefton Community Learning Service can make to your prospects and your outlook. 


What our learners say

Image of positive learner feedback

Last Updated on Tuesday, August 13, 2024

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