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Digital Skills Courses

Join our Digital Skills courses to grow your confidence using digital technology for work, learning and everyday life.

From showing you basics to improve social interaction online, through to guiding you to recognised qualifications in Functional Digital Skills, our friendly, experienced tutors will give you lots of support as you broaden your employment prospects.

When you complete our courses, you will be able to: 

  • Progress confidently into the workplace and/or further study 
  • Use devices and handle information
  • Communicate electronically
  • Be safe and responsible online
  • Have the skills to meets the demands of the modern world
  • Create and edit using electronic platforms


Digital Skills courses we offer 

Who this course is for

Adult learners wishing to achieve an Entry 3 Digital Functional Skills qualification awarded by NCFE and to be able to use those transferable skills in ICT in order to work confidently, effectively and independently in their workplace or personal life.  

What you will learn

You will have the opportunity to discuss and set your own learning targets with your tutor and discuss the support you might need to ensure you have an enjoyable and meaningful learning experience. 

Course content below is subject to change based on prior knowledge and skills of each cohort.   

On this course you will be able to develop knowledge and put into practice skills for: 

  • Ensuring ICT work area is safe 
  • Interacting with ICT e.g., a PC, keyboard, mouse 
  • Using an external drive, cloud storage 
  • Using ICT communication – to keep in contact with other people – email, video calls 
  • Following key steps for staying safe online – using the Internet 
  • Creating and formatting documents / files in Word and PowerPoint 
  • Saving and retrieving documents 
  • Combining information from different applications to create documents e.g. email and Word 

Formal assessment for awarding of the qualification will be by an end of course exam assessing areas covered in the course. 

Knowledge and Skills needed to join the course

This is a course for learners assessed at Entry Level in ICT. Basic skills such as switching the PC on and off, using a mouse, opening and closing applications is expected. 

Basic reading, writing and communication skills will be required to: 

  • follow verbal and written instructions and work through them at your own pace  
  • listen and join in group discussions  
  • jot down notes to record relevant information  
  • keep your work organised in a file  

The materials you will need 

At enrolment, you will need your National Insurance number and proof of any benefits you currently receive. Your tutor will provide most of the learning resources, but you will need to come prepared to the lessons with an A4 pad; pen and folder or file to keep your work organised.  

It will be an advantage, but not essential, if you have access to a PC at home to extend your learning. 

How you will learn 

Each session will consist of a dynamic tutor presentation followed by a range of practical activities. There will be plenty of revision and consolidation and learning will build on previous learning.  

Your progress will be monitored by informal assessment tasks, and you will receive verbal and written feedback from the tutor to help you make good progress. 

This course is accredited by NCFE.  On completion of a successful task-based final controlled assessment you will obtain the Digital Functional Skills Qualification Entry Level 3.  

What happens after you complete your course

On completion of this course, you can progress to a Digital Functional Skills Level 1 qualification.

As the qualification develops transferable skills which will be useful in work and life, you could also progress onto a variety of other courses and qualifications in employability or in vocational areas. 

Ask your tutor for advice and a copy of the progression ladder. 

Sefton Community Learning Service offers a range of Functional Skills courses from Entry 1 up to Level 2 if you need to brush up your Maths and English skills or require a qualification to support you with your career path.

Sefton@Work will be able to provide independent information, advice, and guidance to support you making informed choices for progression into further education, volunteering, or employment.

How to enrol 

You can find out how to enrol on this page.

Who this course is for

Adult learners who are worried about shopping or banking online and want to be able to use the Internet safely.

What you will learn

Course content below is subject to change based on prior knowledge and skills of each cohort.

Online safety

  • What a virus is
  • What spyware is
  • How to protect your computer
  • Threats to user safety

Communication services

  • Email
  • Instant messaging
  • WhatsApp
  • Skype/FaceTime

Real Time Information Services

  • Train/bus timetables (apps)
  • News services
  • Traffic reports
  • Weather reports

Retail Services

  • Retail sales
  • Booking tickets – cinema/theatre/concert
  • Auction sites

Government Services

  • Driving and transport – licences, tax, MOT
  • Applying for passports
  • Working, jobs and pensions
  • The National Archives

Local Council Services

  • Accessing council services
  • Report issues
  • What’s on

You will have the opportunity to discuss and set your individual learning targets with your tutor and discuss the support you might need to ensure you have an enjoyable and meaningful learning experience

Knowledge and Skills needed to join the course

Basic computer skills will be required: logging on, using a keyboard, mouse and basic Internet searching.

On this course you will need to be able to: 

  • follow verbal and written instructions and work through them at your own pace 
  • listen and join in group discussions 
  • jot down notes to record relevant information 
  • keep your work organised in a file 
  • use a PC/laptop or tablet for research or to practise your new skills

The materials you will need 

Your tutor will provide many of the learning resources, but you will need to come prepared to the lessons with an A4 pad; pen and folder or file to keep your work organised.

It will be an advantage, but not essential, if you have access to the internet at home to extend your learning. If needed, your tutor will be able to support you with IT skills required for your course.

How you will learn 

Each session will consist of a dynamic tutor presentation/demonstration followed by a range of interactive activities.

There will be plenty of revision and consolidation and learning will build on previous learning.

Your progress will be monitored by informal assessment tasks, and you will receive verbal and written feedback from the tutor to help you make good progress.

What happens after you complete your course

On completion of this course, you can progress to another course to extend your digital skills. 

We offer a range of non-accredited courses including Using the Internet, Using Email, a range of Microsoft Office courses for beginners and moving on to next steps including using Word and Excel, iPads and Android tablets, Photo Editing and using Windows 11.

We also offer many courses in different areas including crafts, health and wellbeing and cookery.

At SCLS we offer E3 and L1 qualifications on Essential Digital Functional Skills for Life, Work and Beyond.

Ask your tutor for advice and a copy of the progression ladder.

SCLS offers a range of Functional Skills courses from Entry 1 up to Level 2 if you need to brush up your maths and English skills or require a qualification to support you with your career path.

Sefton@Work will be able to provide independent information, advice, and guidance to support you making informed choices for progression into further education, volunteering, or employment.

How to enrol 

You can find out how to enrol on this page.

Who this course is for

Adult learners who have never used a computer before and want to start from the beginning. You will learn how to use the keyboard and mouse; how to log on and off a computer and you will be introduced to Microsoft Word.

What you will learn

Course content below is subject to change based on prior knowledge and skills of each cohort.

Getting started

  • Logging on to computers
  • Keyboard functions
  • Using a mouse
  • Parts of the computer

Starting off with Word

  • Creating a new document
  • Printing and saving documents

Typing, spell check and formatting

  • Typing text
    Using the spell checker
    Inserting new paragraphs
    Basic text formatting: bold, italic, underline
  • Adding a border

Amend an existing document

  • Open an existing file and make changes to it including:
    Fonts, text alignment and image resizing
    Create a poster inserting text and pictures

You will have the opportunity to discuss and set your own learning targets with your tutor and discuss the support you might need to ensure you have an enjoyable and meaningful learning experience.

Knowledge and Skills needed to join the course

This is a course for complete beginners, prior subject knowledge is not required. On this course you will need to: 

  • follow verbal and written instructions and work through them at your own pace 
  • listen and join in group discussions 
  • jot down notes to record relevant information 
  • keep your work organised in a file
  • use a PC/laptop or tablet for research and to practise your new skills

The materials you will need 

At enrolment, you will need your National Insurance number and proof of any benefits you currently receive. Your tutor will provide most of the learning resources, but you will need to come prepared to the lessons with an A4 pad; pen and folder or file to keep your work organised.  

It will be an advantage, but not essential, if you have access to a PC at home to extend your learning. 

How you will learn 

Each session will consist of a dynamic tutor presentation followed by a range of practical activities. There will be plenty of revision and consolidation and learning will build on previous learning.  

Your progress will be monitored by informal assessment tasks, and you will receive verbal and written feedback from the tutor to help you make good progress. 

This course is accredited by NCFE.  On completion of a successful task-based final controlled assessment you will obtain the Digital Functional Skills Qualification Entry Level 3.  

What happens after you complete your course

On completion of this course, you can progress to a Digital Functional Skills Level 1 qualification.

As the qualification develops transferable skills which will be useful in work and life, you could also progress onto a variety of other courses and qualifications in employability or in vocational areas. 

Ask your tutor for advice and a copy of the progression ladder. 

Sefton Community Learning Service offers a range of Functional Skills courses from Entry 1 up to Level 2 if you need to brush up your Maths and English skills or require a qualification to support you with your career path.

Sefton@Work will be able to provide independent information, advice, and guidance to support you making informed choices for progression into further education, volunteering, or employment.

How to enrol 

You can find out how to enrol on this page.

Who this course is for

Adult learners who completed a Microsoft Office for Beginners course or have keyboard skills and basic knowledge of the Microsoft Office package and would like to extend their knowledge and ability to use Word, Excel and PowerPoint.

What you will learn

Course content below is subject to change based on prior knowledge and skills of each cohort.

Microsoft Word

  • Using tables in Word documents
  • Formatting and page borders
  • Page Numbers
  • Columns – page break, section break, column break


Microsoft Excel

Spreadsheet functions and formula


Microsoft PowerPoint

  • Editing presentations
  • Adding a transition to a slide / presentation
  • Adding animation to text or an image
  • Choosing a background or design theme for your presentation
  • Creating a chart in PowerPoint
  • Creating a table in PowerPoint
  • Printing in different formats
  • Presenting a presentation

You will have the opportunity to discuss and set your own learning targets with your tutor and discuss the support you might need to ensure you have an enjoyable and meaningful learning experience.

Knowledge and Skills needed to join the course

This course is not suitable for total beginners, you will need to have completed Microsoft Office for Beginners or have some basic IT skills, you should be able to be able to do the following unaided:

  • Enter & format text
  • Insert & format an image
  • Save & print a document
  • Enter basic formula in a spreadsheet e.g. =SUM, /,*,-
  • Be able to create a basic PowerPoint presentation

In addition, you will need to be able to:

  • follow verbal and written instructions and work through them at your own pace 
  • listen and join in group discussions 
  • jot down notes to record relevant information 
  • keep your work organised in a file 
  • use a PC/laptop or tablet for basic research or to present your work

The materials you will need 

Your tutor will provide most of the learning resources, but you will need to come prepared to the lessons with an A4 pad; pen and folder or file to keep your work organised.

It will be an advantage, but not essential, if you have access to the internet at home to extend your learning.

How you will learn 

Each session will consist of a dynamic tutor presentation followed by a range of practical activities. There will be plenty of revision and consolidation and learning will build on previous learning.

Your progress will be monitored by informal assessment tasks and you will receive verbal and written feedback from the tutor to help you make good progress. You will put together a portfolio of evidence of your learning.

What happens after you complete your course

On completion of this course, you can develop your ICT further in other non-accredited ICT courses.  You can also progress to a Digital Skills Entry Level qualification.

Ask your tutor for advice and a copy of the progression ladder.

SCLS offers a range of Functional Skills courses from Entry 1 up to Level 2 if you need to brush up your maths and English skills or require a qualification to support you with your career path.

Sefton@Work will be able to provide independent information, advice and guidance to support you making informed choices for progression into further education, volunteering or employment.

How to enrol 

You can find out how to enrol on this page.

Who this course is for

Adult learners who want to start off with the basics of Microsoft Word, from spell check to inserting pictures and creating posters.

This course is ideal if you have some basic computer and keyboard skills, you may have already completed a beginners computer course and want to study further with Word.

What you will learn

Course content below is subject to change based on prior knowledge and skills of each cohort.

Week 1

  • Welcome and discussion of course
  • Induction/initial assessment/Logging on to the computers
  • Introduce Microsoft Word
  • Typing text
  • Spell check a document
  • Save and print

Week 2

  • Format a document
  • Use enhancements - Bold, Italic, Underline
  • Use alignments - Left, Center, and Right align
  • Add bullet points to text
  • Change font styles/sizes
  • Change the colour of the text

Week 3

  • Inserting pictures and WordArt
  • Search for picture online to insert into a document
  • Resize, move and wrap text around pictures
  • Add WordArt to documents

Week 4

  • Margins, page orientation and page borders
  • Changing the size of the margins
  • Changing the page orientation from portrait to landscape
  • Add a border around a page

Week 5

  • Shapes and templates
  • Draw shapes in a document
  • Change the colours of the shapes
  • Use existing templates to create posters, cards, certificates

You will have the opportunity to discuss and set your own learning targets with your tutor and discuss the support you might need to ensure you have an enjoyable and meaningful learning experience.


Knowledge and Skills needed to join the course

This is a course for learners who have some basic computer skills using a mouse and keyboard. On this course you will need to: 

  • follow verbal and written instructions and work through them at your own pace 
  • listen and join in group discussions 
  • jot down notes to record relevant information 
  • keep your work organised in a file 
  • use a PC/laptop or tablet for research and to practise your new skills

The materials you will need 

At enrolment, you will need your National Insurance number and proof of benefits (if applicable). Your tutor will provide most of the learning resources, but you will need to come prepared to the lessons with an A4 pad; pen and folder or file to keep your work organised.

It will be an advantage, but not essential, if you have access to the internet at home to extend your learning.

How you will learn 

Each session will consist of a dynamic tutor presentation followed by a range of practical activities. There will be plenty of revision and consolidation and learning will build on previous learning.

Your progress will be monitored by informal assessment tasks and you will receive verbal and written feedback from the tutor to help you make good progress. You will prepare a portfolio of evidence with samples of work you have produced.


What happens after you complete your course

On completion of this course, you can progress to another non-accredited digital course: Microsoft Word Next Steps, Spreadsheets for Beginners, Internet and Email for Beginners, Staying Safe Online for Beginners or iPads for Beginners.

We also offer Functional Skills IT qualifications at Entry Level 3 and Level 1.

Ask your tutor for advice and a copy of the progression ladder.

Sefton Community Learning Service offers a range of Functional Skills courses from Entry 1 up to Level 2 if you need to brush up your Maths and English skills or require a qualification to support you with your career path.

Sefton@Work will be able to provide independent information, advice, and guidance to support you making informed choices for progression into further education, volunteering, or employment.

How to enrol 

You can find out how to enrol on this page. 

Who this course is for

Adult learners who have completed a beginners computer course and have used Microsoft Word before, or have knowledge of using Word and want to take the next steps.

You will study further concepts of Word including inserting tables, mail merge, inserting forms and looking further at the page layout tools.

What you will learn

Course content below is subject to change based on prior knowledge and skills of each cohort.

Week 1

What do you know and what do you need to learn - Setting targets


Typing a document
Correcting errors using the spell checker
Using the Thesaurus

Week 2

  • Inserting hyperlinks
  • Inserting pictures
  • Formatting pictures

Week 3

  • Using Paragraph & Page Layout tools
  • Line spacing
  • Paragraph spacing
  • Margins
  • Indents

Week 4

  • Inserting tables
  • Amending tables
  • Formatting tables

Week 5

  • Creating a mail merge
  • Merging two documents together to create a mail merge
  • Creating a form
  • Adding fields

You will have the opportunity to discuss and set your own learning targets with your tutor and discuss the support you might need to ensure you have an enjoyable and meaningful learning experience.

Knowledge and Skills needed to join the course

This is a course for learners who have prior subject knowledge of using a computer and Microsoft Word. You must be able to log on to a computer, open a document, use basic formatting, save and print.

 On this course you will need to have good literacy skills to:

  • follow verbal and written instructions and work through them at your own pace 
  • listen and join in group discussions 
  • jot down notes to record relevant information 
  • keep your work organised in a file 
  • use a PC/laptop or tablet for research and to practise your new skills

The materials you will need 

At enrolment, you will need your NI number and proof of benefits (if applicable). Your tutor will provide most of the learning resources, but you will need to come prepared to the lessons with an A4 pad; pen and folder or file to keep your work organised.

It will be an advantage, but not essential, if you have access to the internet at home to extend your learning.

How you will learn 

Each session will consist of a dynamic tutor presentation followed by a range of practical activities. There will be plenty of revision and consolidation and learning will build on previous learning.

Your progress will be monitored by informal assessment tasks and you will receive verbal and written feedback from the tutor to help you make good progress. You will prepare a portfolio of evidence with samples of work you have produced.


What happens after you complete your course

On completion of this course, you can progress to another non-accredited digital course: Microsoft Office for beginners, Spreadsheets for Beginners, Next Steps Spreadsheets or Windows 10.

We also offer Digital Skills qualifications at Entry level 3 and L1.

Ask your tutor for advice and a copy of the progression ladder.

Sefton Community Learning Service offers a range of Functional Skills courses from Entry 1 up to Level 2 if you need to brush up your maths and English skills or require a qualification to support you with your career path.

Sefton@Work will be able to provide independent information, advice, and guidance to support you making informed choices for progression into further education, volunteering, or employment.

How to enrol 

You can find out how to enrol on this page.

Who this course is for

Adult learners who completed a Computer for Beginners’ course and would like to take the next steps in learning more about Microsoft Office packages.

What you will learn

Course content below is subject to change based on prior knowledge and skills of each cohort.

Week 1

  • What do you know, and setting your own targets for what you need to learn.
  • Basic Word tools and skills – menus and ribbon bar, scrolling and zooming
  • Using the header and footer, enter text, spell checking, save and print

Week 2

  • Microsoft Word
  • Changing margins and orientation
  • Formatting text and inserting Clipart / images

Week 3

  • Introduction to Excel
  • Rows, columns and cells
  • Inputting data, widening columns
  • Entering simple formula including AutoSum
  • Printing a spreadsheet

Week 4

  • Formulas in Excel
  • Subtraction
  • Multiplication
  • Division
  • Showing and Printing formula

Week 5

  • Introduction to PowerPoint
  • Slides, layouts, printing
  • Inserting images

You will have the opportunity to discuss and set your own learning targets with your tutor and discuss the support you might need to ensure you have an enjoyable and meaningful learning experience

Knowledge and Skills needed to join the course

On this course you will need to: 

  • have some basic IT skills, e.g. logging on, using a mouse, basic typing skills
  • follow verbal and written instructions and work through them at your own pace 
  • listen and join in group discussions 
  • jot down notes to record relevant information 
  • keep your work organised in a file 
  • use a PC/laptop or tablet for research or to present your work

The materials you will need 

At enrolment, you will need your NI number and proof of benefits (if applicable). Your tutor will provide most of the learning resources, but you will need to come prepared to the lessons with an A4 pad; pen and folder or file to keep your work organised.

It will be an advantage, but not essential, if you have access to the internet at home to extend your learning.

How you will learn 

Each session will consist of a dynamic tutor presentation followed by a range of practical activities. There will be plenty of revision and consolidation and learning will build on previous learning.

Your progress will be monitored by informal assessment tasks and you will receive verbal and written feedback from the tutor to help you make good progress. You will put together a portfolio of evidence of your learning.


What happens after you complete your course

On completion of this course, one of the courses you can progress to other ICT non accredited courses or to a digital skills qualification at Entry 3 or Level 1.

Ask your tutor for advice and a copy of the progression ladder.

Sefton Community Learning Service offers a range of Functional Skills courses from Entry 1 up to Level 2 if you need to brush up your maths and English skills or require a qualification to support you with your career path.

Sefton@Work will be able to provide independent information, advice, and guidance to support you making informed choices for progression into further education, volunteering, or employment.

How to enrol 

You can find out how to enrol on this page.

Who this course is for

Adult learners who want to learn the basics of Microsoft Office Excel and has a basic understanding of using a computer, keyboard and mouse.

What you will learn

Course content below is subject to change based on prior knowledge and skills of each cohort.

Week 1

  • Initial and diagnostic assessment and setting of personal targets
  • Introduce Microsoft Excel
  • Layout, cells, rows and columns
  • Name parts of a spreadsheet

Week 2

  • Spreadsheets the basics
  • Inserting text and numeric data
  • Using the Header and Footer areas
  • Orientation
  • Using AUTOSUM (∑) to produce a formula
  • Saving

Week 3

  • Editing a spreadsheet
  • Replicating a formula
  • Inserting a new row/column
  • Deleting a row or column
  • Text Alignment
  • Text Formatting
  • Number Formatting
  • Adding Borders to Cells in a Spreadsheet

Week 4

  • Working with sheets
  • Rename
  • Add
  • Copy
  • Move sheets in a work book

Week 5

  • Charts and Graphs
  • Insert Pie, column, line chart
  • Add titles
  • Add axis titles
  • Add data labels
  • Move charts to new sheets

You will have the opportunity to discuss and set your own learning targets with your tutor and discuss the support you might need to ensure you have an enjoyable and meaningful learning experience.

Knowledge and Skills needed to join the course

Basic computer skills will be required: logging on, using a keyboard and mouse, basic typing skills.

On this course you will need to: 

  • follow verbal and written instructions and work through them at your own pace 
  • listen and join in group discussions 
  • jot down notes to record relevant information 
  • keep your work organised in a file 
  • use a PC/laptop or tablet for research and practise your new skills

The materials you will need 

At enrolment, you will need your National Insurance number and proof of benefits (if applicable). Your tutor will provide most of the learning resources, but you will need to come prepared to the lessons with an A4 pad; pen and folder or file to keep your work organised.

It will be an advantage, but not essential, if you have access to the internet at home to extend your learning.

How you will learn 

Each session will consist of a dynamic tutor presentation followed by a range of practical activities. There will be plenty of revision and consolidation and learning will build on previous learning.

Your progress will be monitored by informal assessment tasks and you will receive verbal and written feedback from the tutor to help you make good progress, creating a portfolio of evidence and informal knowledge assessments.


What happens after you complete your course

On completion of this course, you can progress to another non-accredited course to further develop your Digital Skills.  We offer a wide range of non-accredited courses such as: Next Steps Spreadsheets, Intro to Powerpoint; Microsoft Office or Windows 10.

We also offer Digital Skills qualification at Entry level 3 and Level 1.  Ask your tutor for advice and a copy of the progression ladder.

Sefton Community Learning Service offers a range of Functional Skills courses from Entry 1 up to Level 2 if you need to brush up your Maths and English skills or require a qualification to support you with your career path.

Sefton@Work will be able to provide independent information, advice, and guidance to support you making informed choices for progression into further education, volunteering, or employment.

How to enrol 

You can find out how to enrol on this page.

Who this course is for

Anyone who has completed Spreadsheets for Beginners and would like to continue studying Microsoft Excel. You can also enrol on this course if you have used Excel previously and know some of the basics.  See Knowledge and Skills needed section below.

What you will learn

Week 1

  • Induction
  • Use formulas to calculate
  • Use plus +
  • Minus –
  • Multiply *
  • Divide / to calculate cells

Week 2

  • Import and searching and sorting data
  • Use a database file and import it into a spreadsheet
  • Searching and Sorting
  • Freezing Panes
  • Use the search and sort facility to find information in a spreadsheet

Week 3

  • Formula and Functions
  • Use functions to calculate:
  • Sum, Average, Min, Max Count and CountA

Week 4

  • Importing a text file Absolute Cell references
  • Calculate using $ sign to fix a cell when replicating formulas

Week 5

  • If Statements
  • Understand IF statements return a true or false values
  • Enter an IF statement formula to return a true or false value


Knowledge and Skills needed to join the course

This is a post beginners course therefore it is expected that you can log on, use a keyboard and mouse and have basic typing skills.

You need to have completed Spreadsheets for Beginners or be able to:

  • Open, save and close a spreadsheet 
  • Insert text and numeric data on a spreadsheet
  • Enter simple formula to add, minus, multiply and divide

Use AUTOSUM (∑) to produce a formula

On this course you will need to have good literacy skills to:

  • follow verbal and written instructions and work through them at your own pace 
  • listen and join in group discussions 
  • jot down notes to record relevant information 
  • keep your work organised in a file 
  • use a PC/laptop or tablet for research and to practise your new skills

The materials you will need 

You will need to bring with you a copy of your National Insurance number and proof of benefits if needed. Your tutor will provide most of the learning resources but you will need to come prepared to the lessons with an A4 pad; pen and folder or file to keep your work organised.

It will be an advantage, but not essential, if you have access to the internet at home to extend your learning.

How you will learn 

Each session will consist of a dynamic tutor presentation followed by a range of interactive activities to practise. There will be plenty of revision and practice to build on previous learning.

Your progress will be monitored by informal assessment tasks, you will receive verbal and written feedback from your tutor to help you make good progress. 

You will put together a portfolio of evidence of work you have completed.


What happens after you complete your course

On completion of this course, you can progress to another non-accredited course to further develop your Digital Skills. We offer a wide range of non-accredited courses such as: Intro to Powerpoint or Developing Applications in Excel.

We also offer Digital Skills qualifications at E3 or L1.

Ask your tutor for advice and a copy of the progression ladder.

Sefton Community Learning Service offers a range of Functional Skills courses from Entry 1 up to Level 2 if you need to brush up your Maths and English skills or require a qualification to support you with your career path.

Sefton@Work will be able to provide independent information, advice, and guidance to support you making informed choices for progression into further education, volunteering, or employment.

How to enrol 

You can find out how to enrol on this page.

Who this course is for

This course is for anyone who wants to learn how to use the Internet and email from the very basics and want to learn how to browse the internet safely.

What you will learn

Week 1

  • Initial assessment, induction and setting of personal targets for what you need to learn.
  • How to log-in on to computers
  • Getting started on the web
  • What is the www?
  • Understanding web addresses
  • Finding local information on web sites

Week 2

  • Using Search Engines to find information
  • Understanding search results
  • Refining searches for more accurate results

Week 3

  • Basic Internet safety
  • Understand what a virus is
  • Using passwords

Week 4

  • How to create an Outlook email account
  • Logging onto Office 365 – learner account
  • Send an email to a member of the group
  • Use spell check on email

Week 5

  • Send a reply email
  • Print emails

You will have the opportunity to discuss and set your own learning targets with your tutor and discuss the support you might need to ensure you have an enjoyable and meaningful learning experience.

Knowledge and Skills needed to join the course

This is a course for complete beginners and no prior subject knowledge or skills are required. You will need to have English literacy skills to: 

  • follow verbal and written instructions and work through them at your own pace
  • listen and join in group discussions
  • jot down notes to record relevant information
  • keep your work organised in a file

The materials you will need 

At enrolment, you will need your National Insurance number and proof of benefits (if applicable). Your tutor will provide most of the learning resources, but you will need to come prepared to the lessons with an A4 pad; pen and folder or file to keep your work organised. 

It will be an advantage, but not essential, if you have access to the internet at home to extend your learning.

How you will learn 

Each session will consist of a dynamic tutor presentation followed by a range of practical activities. There will be plenty of revision and consolidation and learning will build on previous learning.

Your progress will be monitored by informal assessment tasks and you will receive verbal and written feedback from the tutor to help you make good progress. You will collect a non-accredited portfolio of evidence of your progress.


What happens after you complete your course

On completion of this course, you can progress to “Email and Internet Know How” course to develop your skills further or to another digital skills course.  We offer a range of non-accredited courses to build your confidence, eg: Microsoft Office for Beginners, iPads for Beginners, Windows 10 for Beginners.

We also offer ICT qualifications at Entry Level 3.  Ask your tutor for advice and a copy of the progression ladder.

Sefton Community Learning Service offers a range of Functional Skills courses from Entry 1 up to Level 2 if you need to brush up your Maths and English skills or require a qualification to support you with your career path.

Sefton@Work will be able to provide independent information, advice, and guidance to support you making informed choices for progression into further education, volunteering, or employment.

How to enrol 

You can find out how to enrol on this page.

Who this course is for

Adult learners who would like to gain some basic skills to edit their own photos.

What you will learn

Course content below is subject to change based on prior knowledge and skills of each cohort.

 Week 1

  • Induction, course information
  • Initial and diagnostic assessment and setting your personal targets
  • Accessing the photo editing software to be used during the course, Pixlr
  • Identifying some of the different icons, palettes and menus.

Week 2

  • Cropping images – discussing the reasons for cropping an image.
  • Saving images - using file names and file types
  • Preparing images for printing

Week 3

  • Utilising the clone tool – to remove unwanted parts of image
  • Using copy and paste to add people or things to images.
  • Applying image effects

Week 4

  • Applying a colour tint to a monochrome image
  • Using layers effectively – with blending techniques
  • Utilising the paint tool – adjusting brush sizes

Week 5

  • Creating a combined image using a variety of different images.
  • Developing skills learnt in previous weeks.
  • Course evaluation and discussion of your next steps

You will have the opportunity to discuss and set your own learning targets with your tutor and discuss the support you might need to ensure you have an enjoyable and meaningful learning experience.

Knowledge and Skills needed to join the course

This is a course for complete beginners and no prior subject knowledge or skills are required. You need to be able to:

  • follow verbal and written instructions and work through them at your own pace 
  • listen and join in group activities
  • keep your work organised in a file 
  • have basic IT skills. eg: Log on and off, use a mouse and keyboard independently
  • jot down notes to record relevant information 

The materials you will need 

At enrolment, you will need your National Insurance number and proof of benefits (if applicable). Your tutor will provide most of the learning resources, but you will need to come prepared to the lessons with an A4 pad; pen and folder or file to keep your work organised.

We suggest you bring your own camera, if you have one, but if you don’t, the tutor will provide you one for the lesson (please note, you cannot take this home).

It will be an advantage, but not essential, if you have access to the internet at home to extend your learning.

How you will learn 

Each session will consist of a dynamic tutor presentation followed by a range of interactive activities. There will be plenty of revision and consolidation and learning will build on previous learning.

 Your progress will be monitored by informal assessment tasks and you will receive verbal and written feedback from the tutor to help you make good progress.

What happens after you complete your course

On completion of this course, you can progress onto an accredited photo editing course at Hugh Baird College or the City of Liverpool College, or you might want to try a non-accredited Digital Photography course with us.

We have a range of media and digital skills courses available at SCLS.  Ask your tutor for advice and a copy of the progression ladder.

Sefton Community Learning Service offers a range of Functional Skills courses from Entry 1 up to Level 2 if you need to brush up your Maths and English skills or require a qualification to support you with your career path.

Sefton@Work will be able to provide independent information, advice, and guidance to support you making informed choices for progression into further education, volunteering, or employment.

How to enrol 

You can find out how to enrol on this page. 

Who this course is for

Adult learners who would like to learn the basic use and functions of an SLR camera as well as associated skills such as uploading images to a PC, editing, printing and backing up.

Learners who are prepared, willing and able to visit, or meet at, off site locations to take photographs.

What you will learn

Course content below is subject to change based on prior knowledge and skills of each cohort.  Some sessions are planned for outdoors and are therefore dependent on the weather.

  • Equipment used for Digital photography
  • Basic camera operations
  • Taking and reviewing photos
  • Using the pre-set modes
  • Principles of composition
  • Connecting to a PC and printing
  • Discussing f-stop values
  • Using the Av mode
  • Capturing sharp and blurred backgrounds
  • Discussing shutter speeds
  • Using the Tv mode
  • Shooting in continuous (AI) mode
  • Basic editing – cropping and re-sizing
  • Presenting an image for an exhibition

You will have the opportunity to discuss and set your individual learning targets with your tutor and discuss the support you might need to ensure you have an enjoyable and meaningful learning experience. 

Knowledge and Skills needed to join the course

This is a course for complete beginners and no prior subject knowledge or skills are required.

Any learners who can already use all of the functions mentioned above are advised to enrol on a more advanced course. (see Progression Routes).

However, on this course you will need to: 

  • have mobility - as we will be going to various outdoor locations taking photographs
  • have sufficient dexterity using your hands
  • follow verbal and written instructions and work through them at your own pace 
  • listen and join in group activities
  • keep your work organised in a file 
  • use a PC/laptop
  • jot down notes to record relevant information 

The materials you will need 

In case of accidental breakages please do not bring your own SLR camera. The college will provide you with one to use on this course.

Your tutor will provide most of the learning resources, but you will need to come prepared to the lessons with an A4 pad; pen and folder or file to keep your work organised.

It will be an advantage, but not essential, if you have access to internet & email at home to extend your learning.

How you will learn 

Each session will consist of a dynamic tutor presentation followed by a range of interactive activities in pairs or small groups to practise these. There will be plenty of revision and consolidation and learning will build on previous learning.

Your progress will be monitored by informal assessment tasks and you will receive verbal and written feedback from the tutor to help you make good progress.

What happens after you complete your course

On completion of this course, you could enrol on a next level course, such as a Photography A-Level at Hugh Baird.


If you want to keep it as a hobby, you may want to consider joining a local camera group, such as the Maghull Photography Club.


If you want to develop your skills in photo editing. Sefton Community Learning Service offer courses in this area too.


Ask your tutor for advice and a copy of the progression ladder.

You may want to take part in our photography exhibition in May/June 2025. (dates and details to be confirmed).

SCLS offers a range of Functional Skills courses from Entry 1 up to Level 2 if you need to brush up your maths and English skills or require a qualification to support you with your career path.

Our partner Sefton@Work will be able to provide independent information, advice and guidance to support you making informed choices for progression into further education, volunteering or employment.

How to enrol 

You can find out how to enrol on this page.

Who this course is for

Adult learners who have some knowledge of using a computer, logging on, creating documents, may have completed a beginner’s course and now want to learn how to store files and find them when they have been saved.

What you will learn

Course content below is subject to change based on prior knowledge and skills of each cohort.

  • File extensions – what are they?
  • Working with Windows - Minimise, maximise, restore down and close options
  • Using the Desktop - Recycle bin, icons, task bar, creating short cuts
  • Creating new folders, sub folder structures, saving files into folders, move and copy files into folders, drag and drop files
  • Using the File Explorer to find saved files
  • Compressing files - adding and extracting files to a zip folder
  • Using a pen drive to make a copy of data
  • Using the cloud to make copy of data

You will have the opportunity to discuss and set your individual learning targets with your tutor and discuss the support you might need to ensure you have an enjoyable and meaningful learning experience.

Knowledge and Skills needed to join the course

This is a course for learners who have prior subject knowledge of using a computer that includes logging on, using a mouse, keyboard, accessing programs such as Microsoft Word and saving files.

On this course you will need to: 

  • follow verbal and written instructions and work through them at your own pace 
  • listen and join in group discussions 
  • jot down notes to record relevant information 
  • keep your work organised in a file 
  • use a PC/laptop or tablet for research or to practise your new skills

The materials you will need 

Your tutor will provide many of the learning resources, but you will need to come prepared to the lessons with an A4 pad; pen and folder or file to keep your work organised.

It will be an advantage, but not essential, if you have access to the internet at home to extend your learning. If needed, your tutor will be able to support you with IT skills required for your course.

How you will learn 

Each session will consist of a dynamic tutor presentation/demonstration followed by a range of interactive activities.   There will be plenty of revision and consolidation and learning will build on previous learning.

Your progress will be monitored by informal assessment tasks, and you will receive verbal and written feedback from the tutor to help you make good progress.

What happens after you complete your course

On completion of this course, you can progress to another course to extend your digital skills. 

We offer a range of non-accredited courses including Using the Internet, Using Email, a range of Microsoft Office courses for beginners and moving on to next steps including using Word and Excel, iPads and Android tablets, Photo Editing and using Windows 11. We also offer many courses in different areas including crafts, health and wellbeing and cookery where you can utilise your digital skills.

At SCLS we also offer an E3 qualification on Essential Digital Functional Skills for Life, Work and Beyond.

Ask your tutor for advice and a copy of the progression ladder.

SCLS offers a range of Functional Skills courses from Entry 1 up to Level 2 if you need to brush up your maths and English skills or require a qualification to support you with your career path.

Sefton@Work will be able to provide independent information, advice, and guidance to support you making informed choices for progression into further education, volunteering, or employment.

How to enrol 

You can find out how to enrol on this page.

Who this course is for

Adult learners who want to know how to protect their online identity and what to be aware of to be able to use the Internet safely.

What you will learn

Course content below is subject to change based on prior knowledge and skills of each cohort.

Online Identity

  • What is your online identity and why is it important to protect it?
  • Digital Footprint – Active versus Passive
  • Types of personal information

Passwords and Security

  • Using secure passwords and pins
  • Creating strong passwords
  • Password Manager
  • Two Factor Authentication (2FA) & Multi Factor Authentication (MFA)
  • Securing home wi-fi & using wifi when out and about
  • Anti-virus, Software updates & patches
  • Physical security of devices

Safe Browsing and Email Security

  • Secure browsing habits
  • Cookies
  • Secure connections
  • Incognito Mode
  • Recognising & avoiding phishing sites
  • Signs of and reporting identity theft


  • Phone calls, WhatsApp, Text
  • Banking, Card Fraud, Authorised Payment Scams
  • Fake websites for HMRC, Tax, Passports etc
  • Online Shopping – too good to be true?

Social Media

  • Risks associated with Social Media, Facebook, Instagram etc
  • Privacy Settings & Controls
  • Best Practice for Sharing Information

You will have the opportunity to discuss and set your own learning targets with your tutor and discuss the support you might need to ensure you have an enjoyable and meaningful learning experience.


Knowledge and Skills needed to join the course

This is a course for complete beginners and no prior subject knowledge or skills are required. It would be beneficial to have some basic IT skills, e.g. logging on, using a mouse, basic typing skills but it is not essential.

On this course you will need to: 

  • follow verbal and written instructions and work through them at your own pace 
  • listen and join in group discussions 
  • jot down notes to record relevant information 
  • keep your work organised in a file
  • use a PC/laptop or tablet for research or to present your work
  • have some dexterity using your hands to use a mouse and a keyboard

The materials you will need 

Your tutor will provide the learning resources, but you will need to come prepared to the lessons with an A4 pad; pen and folder or file to keep your work organised.

It will be an advantage, but not essential, if you have access to the internet at home to extend your learning.

How you will learn 

Each session will consist of a dynamic tutor presentation and discussion followed by a range of practical activities. There will be plenty of revision and consolidation and learning will build on previous learning.

Your progress will be monitored by informal assessment tasks and you will receive verbal and written feedback from the tutor to help you make good progress. You will put together a portfolio of evidence of your learning.

What happens after you complete your course

On completion of this course, one of the courses you can progress to is another non-accredited digital course e.g. Internet & Email for Beginners, Computers for Complete Beginners, Microsoft Office for Beginners, A Guide to Buying Technology

Ask your tutor for advice and a copy of the progression ladder.

SCLS offers a range of Functional Skills courses from Entry 1 up to Level 2 if you need to brush up your maths and English skills or require a qualification to support you with your career path.

Sefton@Work will be able to provide independent information, advice and guidance to support you making informed choices for progression into further education, volunteering or employment.

How to enrol 

You can find out how to enrol on this page.

Who this course is for

Adult learners who are worried about shopping or banking online and want to be able to use the Internet safely.

What you will learn

Course content below is subject to change based on prior knowledge and skills of each cohort.

  • Different types of online shopping
  • Basic internet safety
  • Secure passwords
  • How to recognise if a site is secure
  • Learn about risks of online shopping on public networks
  • Scams – how to recognise them, how to avoid them
  • Things a reputable company or bank will never ask you to do online
  • Registering for an account safely
  • How to shop on-line – buying and returning goods, checking prices, price comparison
  • Online grocery shopping
  • Dangers that apply to online and ‘real world’ shopping: a reminder
  • What to do when things go wrong
  • Advantages and disadvantages of shopping online

You will have the opportunity to discuss and set your own learning targets with your tutor and discuss the support you might need to ensure you have an enjoyable and meaningful learning experience.

Knowledge and Skills needed to join the course

This is a course for complete beginners and no prior subject knowledge or skills are required.

It would be beneficial to have some basic IT skills, e.g.; logging on, using a mouse, basic typing skills but it is not essential

On this course you will need to: 

  • follow verbal and written instructions and work through them at your own pace 
  • listen and join in group discussions 
  • jot down notes to record relevant information 
  • keep your work organised in a file 
  • use a PC/laptop or tablet for research or to present your work
  • have some dexterity using your hands to use a mouse and a keyboard

The materials you will need 

Your tutor will provide most of the learning resources, but you will need to come prepared to the lessons with an A4 pad; pen and folder or file to keep your work organised.

It will be an advantage, but not essential, if you have access to the internet at home to extend your learning.

How you will learn 

Each session will consist of a dynamic tutor presentation and discussion followed by a range of practical activities. There will be plenty of revision and consolidation and learning will build on previous learning.

Your progress will be monitored by informal assessment tasks and you will receive verbal and written feedback from the tutor to help you make good progress. You will put together a portfolio of evidence of your learning.

What happens after you complete your course

On completion of this course, one of the courses you can progress to is another non-accredited digital course e.g. Internet & Email for Beginners, Computers for Complete Beginners, Microsoft Office for Beginners, Protecting Your Online Identity

Ask your tutor for advice and a copy of the progression ladder.

SCLS offers a range of Functional Skills courses from Entry 1 up to Level 2 if you need to brush up your maths and English skills or require a qualification to support you with your career path.

Sefton@Work will be able to provide independent information, advice and guidance to support you making informed choices for progression into further education, volunteering or employment.

How to enrol 

You can find out how to enrol on this page.

Enrol for a Digital Skills Course

When you've decided the course that's right for you (see the list below) register with us online to enrol - this will only take a moment to do! All learners need to enrol as soon as possible and before course date to ensure their places.

Check out our Prospectus for Spring 2025

We also offer a wide variety of further education, including vital maths and English skills, training and courses too improve employability and useful life skills to improve your confidence and well being. 

To view the other courses we offer, download your prospectus today!

Meet some of our Learners and Staff 

In this video you can hear first hand from our learners and staff, the difference Sefton Community Learning Service can make to your prospects and your outlook. 


What our learners say

Image of positive learner feedback

Last Updated on Tuesday, December 17, 2024

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