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How to use SIMON

SIMON Help Topics


Type a partial address into the search box at the top, eg Magdalen House or Trinity Road or L20 3NJ, then press return.

 Help Gaz1

Help Gaz2

You will be presented with one or more addresses, click on the one you want or click the More link to see more addresses.

The map will now display at your chosen location.

To clear your address text, click the X button.

If you are unable to find an address, please report this. 
Select Missing Address from Website in the enquiry relates to box.

The background mapping can be displayed in either colour or greyscale.

Click the box next to ColourMapping, you will see choice of either ColourMapping or GreyscaleMapping, tick the box next to these options to display your choice.

Help Background1


To zoom in on the map click on the blue + button in the bottom right of the window.

To zoom out on the map click on the blue - button in the bottom right of the window.

To move the map around click with the left-hand mouse button and drag the map to the required location. 

The mouse wheel can also be used to zoom in and out on the map.

Click the small black button Help Zoom at the right side of the map if you wish to see the overview map. This shows the current map window and its location in Sefton.


Clicking on this gives a number of options.

Help Options

Choose Map Layers - enables you to select the features that you wish to see on the map.

Local Knowledge - provides information relevant to the property and the area you have selected.

Search By Area - allows you to select all features within your chosen  area of interest.

Measure - enables you to measure areas and distances from the map. 


This option allows the user to select what data they wish to see on the map. The list is divided into themes. Each theme contains one or more data layers. 

Help Layers

By ticking the grey box next to the name, eg Planning applications, you will display all data under this theme

If you want to see the data under each theme, click on the black triangle next to the theme name. This will expand the theme. You can then tick individual layers to display. To switch off the display of any layers, just untick the relevant boxes.

To view information at aspecific location, please click on the map at the place you are interested in. The information will then be displayed, but only for the layers that you have selected to be visible.

Help Layers2

Please be aware that not all layers will display at all zoom levels. You may need to zoom in to see some detailed information such as planning applications.

Selecting the Local Knowledge option will display information relevant to the location of the blue pin on the map, that is, your address search location.  If you move around the map from this pin, Local Knowledge will still return results based on the pin location, if you want information for another address, you need to relocate on this using the search box.  If you haven’t searched for an address, Local Knowledge will show information relevant to the centre of the map. 

Help LK1

Use this option to choose information you are interested in, then draw a search area on the map.  This will return a list of all the information from your selected layers found within your search area.

Help Searcharea

Use this option to measure areas and distances on the map.  You can select which units you would like to use.  Draw your area or line on the map and double click to complete.  The area or distance measurement will appear in the boxes.

Help Measure

 The various tool buttons at the top right of the map have the following functions:

Help Tool Centre Clicking on this button will centre the map at your current location providing you are using a GPS-enabled device.
Help Tool Home Centres the map on the home location.  The default is Sefton.  You can set your own home location using the bookmarks button.
Help Tool Favourites Displays a list of bookmarked locations.  You can create your own bookmarked locations.  Centre the map on your chosen location, type in a name for this bookmark and press return.  You can also set one of your bookmarks to be your home location by ticking Make Home Location.  You can delete any of your own bookmarks if you wish.  Please note that creating bookmarks will place a cookie on your computer.
 Help Tool Share You can share a URL via Facebook, Twitter or Google+ which will open up Sefton Maps at the location you have shared.
 Help Tool Clear Use this to clear bookmarks and view cookie policy and credits information
Help Tool Help Provides help on the use of Sefton Maps




Last Updated on Tuesday, August 13, 2024

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