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Search and View Planning Applications and Appeals


You can search for and view planning applications and appeals and track progress here 

The system allows anyone to:

  • Search a list of applications validated or decided each week.
  • View and/or download copies of drawings and documents submitted with applications.
  • Submit comments about an application.
  • Monitor the progress of an application.
  • Check any constraints associated with a site.
  • View whether an appeal has been lodged and any appeal decisions.
  • View details of historic applications.
  • View property details by reference to a map.
  • View recent Planning Committee reports and decision notices.

Search and view planning applications and appeals

Commenting on Planning Applications

You may want to support an application or object to it.  If you want to make comments on an application, you can do so on our online form. The deadline for comments is given under 'Important Dates'. The deadline for comments may be extended further as the application progresses. If the date does change, it will be updated on our website.

We will not respond to comments but will take them into account when considering the application. We consider each application on its merits, but if a proposal meets our policies and standards, we will usually grant planning permission, even if we receive objections from neighbours. 

Any comments received will be made available for others to see and copy on request. We will leave your name and address visible but we will blank out your signature, email address and telephone number.  Your comments may be summarised in officer and committee reports which are published on our website. 

Unfortunately, we have had to take the decision to stop publishing neighbour responses on our website due to the pressure we have on resources.  This change happened on Monday 15 April.  Going forward all responses will be passed on to the case officer to consider when dealing with the planning application but will not be published on our website.

Presenting a petition

For some types of planning application, you can present a petition which must contain the names, addresses and signatures of 25 or more Sefton residents. To enable you or an appointed spokesperson to address the Planning Committee, in line with the Council’s public speaking process, the petition must be endorsed by a Councillor. The Chief Planning Officer must receive the petition by the latest neighbour consultation date, which is shown on the ‘important dates’ tab within the planning application details.

Details of the times, dates and venues of Committees are available on Sefton’s website at https://modgov.sefton.gov.uk/ieListMeetings.aspx?CId=134&Year=0. If the petition is not endorsed by a councillor, it will be treated as a written comment on the application and you will not be able to speak.

Contacting a councillor

The councillor can ask for some types of planning application to be considered by the Planning Committee provided their request is made by the deadline shown over the page.  If an application is presented to Planning Committee, you may attend.

What decision can be made?

The planning application can be:

  • approved, usually with conditions attached (for example, that brick samples are approved by us before the work begins); or
  • refused, in which case the reason for the refusal must be a planning reason. The applicant can appeal to the Planning Inspectorate against a decision to refuse the application.  By law, neighbours have no right to appeal against a planning decision they disagree with; or
  • withdrawn by the person applying

How can I find out about the decision?

Details of all applications and decisions are available on our website at http://pa.sefton.gov.uk/online-applications/


Copies of documents and plans submitted with applications after 1 January 2006 can be viewed under the 'documents' tab. These will be available within five working days of validation. Decision notices will be available to view within 3 days of applications being determined. 

Copyright Notice

Planning application information submitted to the council is protected by the Copyright Acts (Section 47, 1988 Act). You may only use material which is downloaded or printed for consultation purposes, to compare current applications with previous schemes and to check whether developments have been completed in accordance with approved plans. Further copies must not be made without the prior permission of the copyright owner.


Printed copies and uncontrolled electronic copies of any documents may not be at the latest revision.

Last Updated on Tuesday, August 13, 2024

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