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Domestic Abuse & Violence Against Women & Girls

The Domestic Abuse Act received Royal Assent in April 2021 and became the largest piece of legislation in history in relation to Domestic Abuse (DA). The Act placed a responsibility on Local Authorities to create a Local Domestic Abuse Partnership Board (LDAPB). The role of the partnership board is to drive the strategic direction for Domestic Abuse in its area. In Sefton the LDAPB is chaired by Cllr Hardy who also chairs the Safer Sefton Together (SST). There is also significant cross over in membership between both partnership boards. Therefore, the strategic direction and the response to DA will be driven by the LDAPB. However, the SST will retain the overview of Domestic Homicide Reviews (DHRs) and ensure there is a strategic line of sight between both boards.

Violence Against Women & Girls

Safer Sefton Together is committed to ending Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) and is determined to ensure that Sefton is a place where women and girls are safe and feel safe to pursue their lives free from fear and harassment. We believe that with effective earlier intervention, joint working and a drive to challenge the culture and attitudes that give rise to all forms of abuse, we can make Sefton a safe place for women and girls to live, work and enjoy their leisure time.

More information on Domestic Abuse.

Last Updated on Tuesday, August 13, 2024

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