This weekend Bootle’s Salt and Tar will see young people from Sefton selling a little bit of everything at the teenage market.

Salt and Tar’s July Social puts the spotlight on young people

Parish and Town Councils

Parish and Town Councils, also known as local councils, form the most local level of government and cover many rural and urban areas.

How do they work?

They provide or maintain services such as allotments, burial grounds, bridleways, bus shelters, open spaces and public buildings. 

There are 9 Parish Councils and 1 Town Council in Sefton. Please contact the Clerk of the Council initially if you have any queries. 

How are Town and Parish Councils funded?

Funding for Parish and Town Councils is raised through its precept which is collected through the Council Tax system. 

More information on local councils and how to become a Parish or Town Councillor can be found on the National Association of Local Councils website. 

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