This weekend Bootle’s Salt and Tar will see young people from Sefton selling a little bit of everything at the teenage market.

Salt and Tar’s July Social puts the spotlight on young people

Accessible Communications Policy 2022 2024

Accessibility of Council Information.

People who live, visit and work in Sefton need different ways for us to communicate with them.  This could be because of a disability, sensory loss or the difference in how we receive information as individuals.

We have helped our staff to gain the skills they need to give information in accessible formats.  This includes:

  • Plain English.
  • Easy Read.
  • Large Print.
  • Audio.
  • Screen reader compatible documents. 
  • Face to Face and conversations explaining information.

The Accessible Communication Policy says what we will do to meets people's communication needs.

We have a group of experts by experience called the Improving Information Group who help us to improve our learning and skills.

We are skilling up our staff to become Accessible Information Advocates with a network of support available.


Last Updated on Monday, September 25, 2023

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