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Construction licences

Skip permits

If you wish to place a builder's skip on any part of the highway a permit is required. Otherwise, you may be liable to prosecution and a fine. 

Apply online for a skip permit giving details of the proposed location of the skip and the dates that it will be located on the highway. Following application to the Council and subject to safety considerations, skip permits are issued to skip owners (suppliers) for permission to place a skip on the highway.

The skip owner (supplier) is responsible for obtaining the permit. It is not the householder's or the builder's (contractor) responsibility to obtain the highway permit. However, as a householder, you should verify that your skip supplier has the necessary permit before they deliver the skip.

The skip owner (supplier) also has the responsibility to ensure that skips are positioned on the highway in such a way that they do not cause an obstruction to other road users. The supplier is responsible for ensuring that all appropriate regulations are adhered to.

A permit is valid for up to 7 days. For longer periods additional applications should be made. Only one skip will be allowed on site at any one time except in exceptional circumstances.

A standard permit costs £21 per skip per week. Skips which are placed in high congestion areas are charged at £40 per week. These costs include for any removal of full skips and placing of a replacement empty skip during the permitted period. The skip owner will usually build this cost into the hire costs for the skip(s).


Highway Obstruction Licence April 2024 (pdf 1.04MB)

Whenever possible, skips should be placed on the carriageway. If permission is granted to place skips on a footway or grass verge, an agreed method of protecting the surface should be carried out by the skip owner or householder.

Skips placed on the carriageway require at least 4 traffic cones on the approach side to guide traffic past the skip.

During the hours of darkness, in poor daytime visibility and bad weather, road danger lamps (flashing amber) must be placed against or attached to each corner of the skip. If sited on the carriageway, a lamp should be placed between each cone. If the Council's contractors are called out to lamp a skip or make it safe, a charge will follow.

Skips placed on the highway shall not contain any inflammable, explosive or noxious material, or anything which is likely to cause nuisance to highway users.

Contents of the skip shall be kept "damped-down", or covered to prevent dust or spillage on the highway. The skip must not be overloaded and must be removed when full.

Skips must be removed as soon as possible after they have been filled.

Scaffolding on a highway

Sefton Council has a responsibility to keep public highways open and remove obstructions and encroachments that may affect the use and safety of the highway.

Please refer to the rates below (applicable from April 2024) and note that payment can currently only be made by cheque.

Type of structure Length of structure Fees Payable (per week)
Static Obstruction Up to 10 metres in length  £161
Static Obstruction Over 10 metres and up to 20 metres  £195
Static Obstruction Over 20 metres and up to 30 metres £226
Static Obstruction Over 30 metres and up to 50 metres  £291
Static Obstruction Over 50 metres in length £355
Moveable Object Initial Licence Agreement £161
Moveable Object (plus) Daily Inspection Charge £161

How to apply
You will need to provide details of the person erecting the scaffold or hoarding as well as the location, height, length and width of the scaffold or hoarding. You will also be asked for a date of erection and removal.

Please note that the licence will be issued to the obstruction erection company regardless of the person applying/paying for the licence. As part of the application, the obstruction erection company will also need to provide documentary proof of current Public Liability Insurance (minimum £5million). Receipts for payment will be sent to the payee. Please send your completed forms, required documents and payment to: Sefton Council, Highway Network Management, 3rd Floor Magdalen House, 30 Trinity Road, Bootle, L20 3NJ 

What happens next
Once your application has been received, we will visit the location of the proposed scaffold or hoarding to assess the local site conditions. A licence will then be sent to you and could include a number of conditions relating to the design of the scaffold or hoarding or method of working.

Obstructions on private land
Scaffolding / Safety Hoarding obstructions on private land do not require a licence as long as it does not extend beyond the private land onto the public highway. 


Highway Obstruction license April 24 (pdf 728KB)

Last Updated on Friday, October 25, 2024

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