

‘We’re Here’ still here to help people find mental health support in Sefton

13 May 2024 3 min read

With Mental Health Awareness week underway, Sefton Council is reminding people across the Borough about the dedicated web page at www.seftoninmind.org.uk.

'We're Here'

Aimed at anyone who thinks they may need support with their mental health, www.seftoninmind.org.uk is a central point where they can find more information and support for how they are feeling. Promoted under the We’re Here banner, it has links to organisations across Sefton and beyond where people can find help.

The main categories are Crisis Support, Support for Men, Support for Women, Specialist Services such as Bereavement Carers and Dementia, and Someone to Speak to. The facility is hosted by Sefton Council for Voluntary Services (CVS).

This year’s theme for Mental Health Awareness Week is “Moving more for our mental health”. It aims to focus on the benefits of physical activity for mental wellbeing.

Life coming at us very fast

Sefton Council leader Cllr Marion Atkinson said: “With the ongoing national cost-of-living crisis and at a time when we can feel that life is coming at us very fast, it is important to find time in the day to move and prioritise our mental health.

“Whether that means a walk in our local neighbourhood, putting our favourite tunes on and dancing around the living room like no-one’s watching or just some chair exercises watching telly, it can all benefit our mental wellbeing.”

Something is wrong, but we don’t’ quite know what

Cllr Atkinson continued: “Up to one in four of us experience some kind of mental health issue at some point in our lives and sometimes it can creep up on us before we realise. We feel like something is wrong, but we don’t’ quite know what.

“Our We’re Here campaign is aimed at anyone in Sefton, including those who feel they may need some kind of support, but they don’t know what as well as anyone who has a friend or relative they are concerned about.

“At www.seftoninmind.org.uk they can find a broad range of local help and support for a wide variety of issues as well as how to contact more immediate support if experiencing crisis.” 

Sefton Council and CVS developed We’re Here alongside local organisations such as Sean’s Place.

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