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Access to the Port of Liverpool

The growth in the Port of Liverpool will result in major increases in the volume of freight passing through the City Region and through Sefton. The City Region partners have recognised that transport access to and from the Port by a full range of modes is critical to achieving the economic benefits associated with the growth of the Port. To maximise the economic benefit of this investment the City Region has committed to improve access to the Port of Liverpool by rail, road and water to meet the transport demands of the expanding Port and it was included as an important element of the City Region Deal agreed with Government in 2012.

The Liverpool City Region (LCR) Port Access Steering Group was established to support the Combined Authority and Local Enterprise Partnership in addressing transport access to the Port of Liverpool in support of the wider Superport proposals.

More information about the Port expansion, the City Region work programme and details of specific proposals is available as follows :

  • City Region SuperPORT concept
  • City Region Port Access programme

Last Updated on Tuesday, August 13, 2024

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