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Our Apprenticeships

What is an Apprenticeship?

Apprenticeships are work-based learning programmes which lead to nationally recognised qualifications. Apprentices learn on the job, building up knowledge and skills whilst earning money at the same time (national minimum wage for age). 

The length of the apprenticeship depends on the subject; but it must be a minimum of 1 year. 

How to apply:

To see Sefton Council apprenticeship opportunities, visit the National Apprenticeship Service website and Sefton Council's vacancies website 

Stage 1 – Request a job pack to apply for the advertised vacancy – by emailing Apprenticeships@sefton.gov.uk and specify the opportunity you are interested in applying for.  You will also be asked to send copies of your English and Maths certificates.

Stage 2 – Shortlisting

Applicants that have met the requirements for the apprenticeship will be shortlisted by the recruiting manager. 

Stage 3 – Attend an interview

If a manager feels an applicant has met the shortlist criteria, they will be invited to attend an interview, which may include an exercise to complete.

To be considered for an apprenticeship you will need:

  • To have lived in the UK for the past three years
  • A commitment to complete the qualification and remain for the duration of the contract
  • Working towards the right level of English, Maths & ICT
  • Willingness to learn and to apply learning at your workplace
  • Self-motivation
  • Good communication skills
  • Ability to work as part of a team

As an apprentice you will receive:

  • The national minimum wage for your age (see attached document below for a full breakdown for each age category)
  • A minimum 12-month fixed term contract
  • Access to a pension scheme
  • Paid holidays
  • A recognised qualification (Level 2, 3 or 4)
  • Support from an Apprenticeship Support Officer
  • Employability skills support from Sefton@Work

Further information on apprenticeships across the Liverpool City region is available.

Government Apprenticeship Reporting - 2021/2022 (word 42KB)

Support for Employers

Sefton@Work offers a range of free and confidential job-related services for individuals and businesses in Sefton.

There may also be funding / grants available for employers to access.

You can also contact Sefton@work via telephone on: 0151 934 2610.

Meet Sefton Council's apprentices 

For National Apprenticeship Week 2023, Sefton Council's own apprentices took time out to answer some questions about their experiences. 

Meet Sefton Council's apprentices 

Sophie Britnell started her apprenticeship on the 13th of March 2017, and currently works for Sefton as a Senior Finance Officer in Children’s Social Care.

What were you doing before joining Sefton Council as an Apprentice?

I had not long graduated from University and was looking for a job at the time. I applied for a number of apprenticeships in different areas of the Council and was successful in Finance.

Why did you decide to Join Sefton’s Apprenticeship scheme?

I wanted a starting point within Sefton and liked the idea of getting on-the-job experience alongside a qualification. I knew that there would be potential opportunities for progression or for redeployment within the Council following the completion of my apprenticeship.

If you didn’t take the Apprenticeship route what would you be doing instead?

I think I would have gone back to University to do a Masters in my degree field (History) and see if I could get a job following that.

What did you gain from your Apprenticeship and what did you enjoy?

I gained a lot of experience of working in the department that I still work in now, from colleagues that I now work alongside. I was able to learn a lot about the department whilst being supported through all my work. The continuation of study in the initial apprenticeship was also helpful for starting on studying for CIPFA.

Are you undertaking a further Apprenticeship qualification alongside your job role or are you thinking you may in the future?

I’m not undertaking anything at the moment as I am taking a break from studies to focus on my new job but would definitely consider further apprenticeships in the future.

How do you see your Career pathway evolving in the future and what are your aspirations?

I have only just finished my CIPFA qualification and have only been in my current post since September 2022, so I’m happy where I am at the moment. I would like to gain a lot more experience with my current role before considering any further progression.

What do you think are the benefits of being an Apprentice for Sefton Council:

 The main benefit of being a Sefton Apprentice is getting great experience in a large organization with a lot of opportunities. There is a substantial support network for apprentices including the apprentice team and the managers within your own department. The qualification itself is really valuable and can help set you up for future professional qualifications.  

Throughout her time as an apprentice, Sophie achieved multiple qualifications including:

  • Levels 2 and 3 Business Administration - Administration Apprentice
  • Level 7 Accounting and Taxation Professional Standard (CIPFA) – CIPFA Graduate Trainee

Charlie Lowe js a CIPFA* Trainee Accountant who is progressing in his CIPFA Level 7 Accountancy Professional Qualification with Sefton Council. Charlie joined us after graduating from Edge Hill University with a first class degree in business management. 


Charlie and his Manager, Andrew Bridson (Strategic Finance Manager) were recently interviewed by CIPFA to mark National Apprenticeship Week.


To read their interview, visit the CIPFA website.


*CIPFA stands for the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy

Georgia Moore started her apprenticeship on the 19th of June 2017 as a Building Control Apprentice and then Building Control Trainee, and currently works for Sefton as a Building Control Officer.

What were you doing before joining Sefton Council as an Apprentice?

I was working within the hospitality industry, whilst also undertaking a college course with Hugh Baird focusing on military preparation, and then onto a sports leadership course.

Each of these wasn’t in relation to Building Control, however, when working in hospitality it taught me a lot about customer service, leadership skills were learnt throughout each of these college courses and, in military preparation, how to abide by relevant code of conducts. These all helped when joining Sefton Council, as they had a lot of similarities within the role.

Overall, I was new to the industry of Building Control, but I feel that all the above helped me push through and become successful in other areas when dealing with customers and working as a team.

Why did you decide to Join Sefton’s Apprenticeship scheme?

  • I wanted to join as I couldn’t see myself in a career within hospitality, as it wasn’t for me anymore and I couldn’t progress any further.
  • I wanted to be a part of an industry that was always on the go in terms of development.
  • I mainly wanted to be a part of a team, as I have always been a team player.
  • I also, wanted to gain a lot more skills and knowledge to then be able to use them within a profession that I would enjoy and that I would be able to progress in.
  • I loved the idea of being able to learn whilst undertaking my job role. This is key especially when working within Building Control, as there are so many changes that occur, so I needed to be kept up to date whilst doing the job, and I felt the apprenticeship was ideal for this.
  • I wanted a professional career that I would be able to stay in and progress further in the future. I knew that I had to complete the apprenticeship and that there could be room for progression if there were any permanent jobs going, so I wanted to take the risk to see where I got to. I figured the apprenticeship offered me this, as a lot of jobs today want a lot more experience within the field, but this apprenticeship allowed me to gain it along the way! This is perfect for anyone wanting to work their way up.


If you didn’t take the Apprenticeship route what would you be doing instead?

Honestly, I don’t know… I may have been in hospitality still, trying to get somewhere, or my other passion was working within the military or within some form of public service, like the police or the fire brigade.

Overall, I don’t feel I have made a mistake in what I am doing, I feel this was the path I was always meant to be on, and I must be doing something right as I have worked my way up from Apprentice to trainee and now, a Building Control Officer. This was all whilst undertaking a degree, which was provided by the government/ LABC and should be completed in June 2023.

What did you gain from your Apprenticeship and what did you enjoy?

I gained a lot from my apprenticeship! I met a lot of people along the way, I have been able to expand on a lot of my skills and knowledge within Sefton Council when dealing with customers, working with the team and many other departments, whilst also completing and receiving many more qualifications.

I have also, most importantly, been offered a chance after completing my apprenticeship to receive a permanent position within Sefton council. Here, I can progress further and continue with my studies as a Building Control officer, walking away with a bachelor’s of honours in Building control surveying.

Are you undertaking a further Apprenticeship qualification alongside your job role or are you thinking you may in the future?

I am currently undertaking a degree apprenticeship which is being run by the LABC/ government/Wolverhampton university, which is being paid for by the government/Sefton. This is to get new bodies into the industry which will become fully competent within the building control sector, to then be able to keep the service up and running. I have now been on this for 4 years whilst also working for Sefton full time.


The qualification is classed as a full-time degree, but we can undertake this remotely. How it works is that we have uni days every Friday, which involves lectures all day, and we have intensive weeks which are spaced out throughout the year, where I must go down to either Wolverhampton or the Telford campus and study all week in lectures. We must submit assignments, and then at the end we must undertake our dissertation and do an EPA (end point assessment), which is where we are put up in front of professional bodies i.e. (CABE, CIOB, RICS) to show that we are competent within our job role. So, we not only achieve our degree, but we also gain professional chartership at the end of it all.


How do you see your Job/Career pathway evolving in the future and what are your aspirations?

Right now, I am where I want to be. I have almost completed my degree come June 2023. I will then become a fully qualified Building Control officer. I am no longer a trainee; I have managed to work my way up through the ranks. My next aspiration would be to carry on going further to eventually becoming senior to then team leader, and then onto manager, hopefully one day in the future.

Overall, my career with Sefton council has been brilliant! I have done what I wanted to achieve so far and this all wouldn’t have happened if this apprenticeship program wasn’t running, so thank you.


What do you think are the benefits of being an Apprentice for Sefton Council:

  • The benefit would be that you are able to learn whilst on the job.
  • You have a lot of people on hand that are always willing to help you achieve what you want, as they want the best for the team also. They don’t want to waste their time training you, for you not to succeed.
  • You get to gain even more qualifications whilst working, which is brilliant, as you can use them if you wish to go elsewhere. If there are no permanent positions after you have completed the apprenticeship you have them behind you.
  • Lastly, there is the option of being able to gain a permanent position, if there is one available, which is brilliant, as it pushes apprentices to want to succeed and be better.


Anything else you would like to add?

Overall, I would just like to say thank you for having the apprenticeship program at Sefton Council, because if you never had one, I would never be where I am at today.

The apprenticeship program has quite literally kick started my career within Building control! Not only the program, but also the people behind the scenes, have always been willing to help and to push you to were you need to be, which I think is brilliant, as it allows you to start believing in yourself a lot more.

So, thank you 😊


Throughout her time as an apprentice, Georgia achieved multiple qualifications including:

  • Level 1 I.C.T
  • Level 2 I.C.T
  • Level 2 Math’s
  • Level 2 Diploma in Business Administration
  • Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration

Claire Rimmer started her degree apprenticeship in September 2022 and currently works for Sefton as a Community Assessor. Here's what she had to say about her apprenticeship:  Decorative

"I was lucky enough to gain a place on the Social Work Apprenticeship scheme which I started in September 2022. I’m only a few months in so I’m still trying to get into the swing of things but so far I’m really enjoying it. I won’t deny that it’s tough, trying to juggle work with study and all the extra tasks that entails like reading and writing assignments.

"Trying to fit this in around busy family life is definitely tricky! But, I wouldn’t have it any other way. I love having the opportunity to attend lectures and develop my knowledge, learning about the important foundations of the profession and how this underpins practice. I’m extremely grateful to have been given this opportunity, as otherwise, I wouldn’t be able to afford to retrain. Despite its challenges, I would definitely recommend a degree apprenticeship to anyone!"

This week it’s National Apprenticeship Week, and this year’s theme is Skills for Life, so we’re showcasing staff who came to us as apprentices and now enjoy permanent roles with opportunities for future growth and development. 

Claire Tinsley is in the second year of her social work apprenticeship and took a moment from her busy schedule to summarise her experience: 

"Gaining a place on the apprentice BA Hons in Social Work at LJMU has been  a fantastic opportunity and has given me the chance to work towards a qualification that I had previously thought was out of reach.

"The apprenticeship is a really supportive programme both within university and in the local authority and I have found having both a learning mentor from Sefton and personal tutor from LJMU very helpful.  

"I have just started my second year of study and I am currently on my first piece of work-based learning (placement). I have really enjoyed the variety   of modules that we have studied so far and feel that this has given me a great space to not only gain new knowledge but also the time and  opportunity to reflect on my previous experience. Now that I am on placement, I am enjoying making connections between theory and practice and feel more confident in my plan to work as a social worker in the future".


Sean McCarten is an Area Coordinator for Communities/Neighbourhoods has certainly made the most of his apprenticeship and the opportunities available with Sefton Council:  Decorative


What Apprenticeship Qualification have you attained whilst at Sefton including job title?

Business Administration Level 2 and 3.


What were you doing before joining Sefton Council as an Apprentice?

Before joining Sefton Council I was a barber based in Waterloo.


Why did you decide to Join Sefton’s Apprenticeship scheme?

I decided to join the apprenticeship to try something different. My uncle was involved in an apprenticeship day in town (Liverpool), so I went a long to see what was on offer. I learned that after completing an apprenticeship it can open doors to possible progression to further my career.


If you didn’t take the Apprenticeship route what would you be doing instead?

If I hadn’t taken the apprenticeship route, I would still be working as a barber.


What did you gain from your Apprenticeship and what did you enjoy?

Going from being a barber to business administration was a complete change of career.

Doing my apprenticeship meant that I gained practical and personal skills as well as the knowledge to work towards a career at management level.

I am proud to have started as a business administration apprentice to becoming an area Co-Ordinator, a role that I have wanted since I started in the council. I have enjoyed the route I have taken because of the people I’ve been lucky to work with and gained friendships from.


Are you undertaking a further Apprenticeship qualification alongside your job role or are you thinking you may in the future?

Not now. Although I am interested in doing my Level 3 and 5 in Business Management.


How do you see your Job/Career pathway evolving in the future and what are your aspirations?

Now I am happy to continue in the role I am currently in. It will be a year in June since I started this role and I have loved it. Meeting new people and trying to help make a change in the community is what I enjoy. Sometimes it doesn’t feel like a job. My aspiration is to carry on further and get as many qualifications as possible during my time with Sefton Council.


What do you think are the benefits of being an Apprentice for Sefton Council?

The benefits of being an apprentice is that when applying for internal roles you have experience that external candidates wouldn’t have. You also get the opportunity to earn whilst you learn and even if you leave school with barely any qualifications like me, there is still opportunities for you to progress into a higher role.


Anything else you would like to add?

My advice to anyone who is unsure on taking up an apprenticeship role is do it. I am delighted with the decision I made joining Sefton Council and I feel that more kids should look into it after finishing high school.

Last Updated on Wednesday, September 25, 2024

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