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Your Health

Good health means your mind and body are working well. If you’re healthy when you’re young, it will help you grow up fit, happy and strong so you can enjoy life. If you’re healthy, you’ll look better, have more energy and feel more confident. It also makes it less likely you’ll get ill, now or later. Your mental health is really important too!

Your social worker will get important information from your doctor, health visitor or school nurse. This is called a ‘health assessment’ and it means they’ll know about any illnesses or disabilities and whether you need any special treatment or medical care.

Your social worker must make sure that your health is properly looked after. They will make sure you're registered with a doctor, a dentist and an optician and that you're offered a health check every year

If you’re at all worried about your body or how you feel, you can talk to your social worker, your carer, your doctor, your school nurse.

The doctor or nurse will keep everything you tell them private, unless you agree they can tell someone else – such as your carer or social worker – or they think you’re in danger. If they do, they’ll let you know who they’re going to tell.

Last Updated on Tuesday, August 13, 2024

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