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Cost of Living flyer - page 1This easy-print factsheet detailing ways people worried about the national Cost of Living crisis can get support and advice is available on Sefton Council’s website.

You can download it here.

Designed as a print-off easy reference guide, it contains information about help with Council Tax, paying fuel bills and rent.

There is also information about food banks and food pantries, free school meals and Healthy Start Vouchers and Vitamins. And it includes sections on Sefton Council’s Emergency Limited Assistance Scheme, jobs and training and health and wellbeing.

Where possible, the fact sheet contains phone numbers as well as website addresses for the various services. And it includes a reminder to people who do not have access to a smartphone, pc or an Internet connection, that there is free computer and Wi-Fi access at all Sefton Council Libraries. They just need to visit their local branch to find out more.

People can also call the Council’s Contact Centre on 0345 140 0845 or visit one of its two One Stop Shops, in Bootle or Southport, for more information.

Last Updated on Tuesday, August 13, 2024

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