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Our Vision

Sefton Council Adult Social Care Vision

We want people who live in Sefton to live as independently as possible for as long as possible. If and when they need it, we want people to have access to good quality support that has a positive impact on their lives.

Corporate Vision - Adult Social Care Ambition

We want to offer care and support that empowers people to live an independent life, exercise choice and be fully informed.

What we want to see :

  • People are supported to remain independent and to have choice and control
  • High quality support and service for those with complex and neurodiverse need
  • An early intervention and prevention approach providing the right level of support at the time
  • Equality for all people in terms of experience and outcomes
  • Carers are well supported and able to achieve their personal outcomes.
  • The most vulnerable people living in safety free from harm, discrimination and abuse.
  • Working with out health and social care partners to deliver a coordinated response
  • Respect and value out workforce ensuring stability, capacity and sustainability.
  • Develop systems for self-assessment so people tell their story only once.
  • A social care market that understands and response to the diverse needs of local people, offering flexibility , choice and continuity.

You can also view our vision as a pdf document

Transformation plan 2024- 2027

Sefton Councils 2024- 2027 Transformation plan outlines that all those working for Sefton Council are committed to Everyday excellence, better outcomes- providing sustainable services, setting up for success and growth,

Our vision is to enable people to live as independently as possible for as long as possible. If and when they need it , we want people to have access to good quality care and support that has a possible impact on their lives.

We will work towards this by reducing the reliance on resident care homes and redirect more resources into developing high quality services that support people to remain independent for as long as possible.

This is the aim of our Better at home project.

Out outcomes and what we want to achieve :



Last Updated on Tuesday, February 18, 2025

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