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Rimrose Valley

Country Park

Rimrose Valley is bounded by the Leeds Liverpool canal to the east and the Southport to Liverpool railway line to the west.

Reclamation of the site started in 1993 with the aim of improving the area as both a recreational and educational resource for local people. The site now has two Sites of Special Local Biological Interest (SLBI's), at Brookvale Local Nature Reserve and also vast reed beds at Fulwood Way to the east of the site. The country park is a well established popular area of countryside in the south of Sefton.


This is an 8.2 ha Local Nature Reserve (LNR) situated at the western tip of Rimrose Valley Country Park. The nature reserve is home to a flora and fauna community typical of an established wetland. In the dryer grassland areas it's not uncommon to find Southern Marsh and Spotted Orchids along with more coastal species like Evening Primrose and Bugloss.

An abundance of bird life can also be found with good numbers of Snipe, Water Rail, Woodcock, Dunnock, Common Whitethroat and Blackcap along with breeding pairs of Reed Warbler, Grasshopper Warbler and Reed Bunting. Summertime reveals an array of insect life including Southern Hawker, Broad-bodied Chaser and Common Darter dragonflies along with familiar butterflies like the Gatekeeper, Peacock and Speckled Wood. Several Water Vole territories have also been identified along Rimrose Brook.


Last Updated on Monday, August 12, 2024

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