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All eyes on the enterprise in Southport

The Enterprise Arcade project reaffirms Sefton Council and its partners’ commitment to maximising the potential of the digital, creative and technological sectors in Southport.

While the current operation and look of the iconic Cambridge Arcade itself won’t change as part of the transformation, planning permission has been sought for the changes required to Crown Buildings involving internal layout and some shop frontages on Eastbank Street.

Cllr Marion Atkinson, Sefton Council's Labour Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Skills, said: " Southport’s Enterprise Arcade will incorporate Crown Buildings and vacant retail units on the ground floor of Eastbank Street and is a key project for the regeneration and economic diversification of the town’s economy.

" The new repurposed workspace will join Southport’s regenerated and highly popular Market in demonstrating how new life can be brought back to these fantastic buildings, encouraging more investment and helping secure a positive future for the town. 

Our Enterprise Arcade will be the ideal location for a whole host of start-up and growing businesses and individuals, whether they be in the early incubator stages of developing their brand or simply in need of flexibility and an agile approach to their working practices.

Last Updated on Wednesday, August 21, 2024

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