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Arranging a Funeral

When someone dies there are several steps that need to be taken in this order:

  • Register the death
  • Tell the government about the death using the Tell Us Once service.
    (Note : If you cannot use the Tell Us Once service you will need to contact each department yourself)
  • Arrange the funeral.
  • Check to see if you are eligible for help with funeral costs and entitled to bereavement benefits on GOV.UK
  • Ensure your own benefits, pension and taxes are correct due to the change.
  • Locate bereavement support and services to support you.
  • Check to see if you need to apply to stay in the UK
  • Value the estate and check to see if you need to pay any Inheritance Tax.
  • Apply for probate.
  • Deal with the estate.

Further information is available on the What to do when someone dies page.

What next?

If a relative has recently died and you are struggling to meet the costs of organising the funeral there are a few options available to you.

Funeral expenses payment

You may be entitled to help with funeral costs (Funeral Expenses Payment) if you are in receipt of certain benefits and need help to pay for the funeral that is being arranged. Further information is available on the Get help with funeral costs page.

The Funeral Expenses Payment will be deducted from any money you inherit from the deceased’s estate.

It can help pay for burial fees, cremation fees, doctor’s certificate, death certificate, travel costs, the cost of moving the body (if needed) and other documents.

There are rules around entitlement depending on your relationship with the deceased.

You may also get up to £1000 for other funeral related expenses such as the funeral director’s costs, flowers, coffin, etc. The payment will usually not cover all the funeral costs and will depend on your circumstances.

If there is a pre-paid funeral plan in place you can only get up to £120 to help pay for items not covered by it.

You can make a claim by calling the Bereavement Service Helpline on 0800 151 2012

(Text Phone : 0800 731 0464 ; Welsh language : 0800 731 0453 ; Welsh Language textphone : 0800 731 0456)
These numbers are available Monday – Friday 8am to 6pm

During the call the advisor should help you claim any other bereavement benefits you may be entitled to.

Advice and guidance is also offered by a number of voluntary sector organisations such as down to earth and citizens advice who may be able to help you access these funds.

Public Health Funerals

The Council has a responsibility to undertake a funeral  when there is no next of kin or next of kin who are unable or unwilling to make these arrangements.

Further information is available on the Environmental Public Health page.

Bereavement Support Payment

You may be entitled to this if your partner has died and this has replaced other benefits previously in place. The amount you can get varies and depends on your relationship with the person who has died.

You usually need to claim this within 21 months of your partners death. There are exceptions to this and you would need to call the Bereavement Service Helpline (Details below) regarding this. Additionally you may be entitled to backdated payments under certain circumstances.

Further information is available on the Bereavement Support Payment page.

You can make a claim by calling the Bereavement Service Helpline on 0800 151 2012

(Text Phone : 0800 731 0464 ; Welsh language : 0800 731 0453 ; Welsh Language textphone : 0800 731 0456)
These numbers are available Monday – Friday 8am to 6pm

Statutory Parental Bereavement Pay and Leave

A parent may be able to take time off work due to the death of a child under 18 or due to a stillbirth after the 24th week of pregnancy.

There are two benefits :

  • Parental Bereavement Leave
  • Statutory Parental Bereavement Pay

Further information is available on the Statutory Parental Bereavement Pay and Leave page.

Guardian's Allowance

You may be entitled to Guardian’s Allowance if you are bringing up a child whose parents have died. You may still be eligible if there is still a surviving parent. It will depend on the situation.

Further information is available on the Guardian's Allowance page.

Last Updated on Friday, December 20, 2024

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