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Business Rates - Freedom of Information

Sefton Council receive many Freedom of Information requests relating to the current status of properties within the district. To address these requests we are now publishing a ‘general search’ file and a list of new accounts created for the previous month which may provide the information you require.

The information is provided in the downloads section below.

All information was correct as at the date specified on the file.
Sefton Council cannot vouch for the ongoing accuracy of the data as accounts are being updated daily.

The information has been screened to remove accounts relating to individuals as this data is exempt from disclosure.

We do not provide the names of sole-traders or partnerships and we do not provide contact names or addresses for the companies listed. This information is available from companies house.

Information supplied within a Freedom of Information request is the copyright of Sefton MBC. All information that has been supplied is for personal use only.

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