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How to pay your Business Rates

Everybody has the right to pay their Business Rates in monthly instalments. It is usual to pay in 10 instalments, but the Council will allow you to pay over a maximum of 12 monthly instalments with the last payment due in March. If you wish to use this option please complete the form in the 'Do it online' section of this page, to enable the council to issue a new demand notice. The actual number of instalments you are allowed will depend on when you actually make your application and when it is processed.

Pay by Direct Debit

The Council prefers this method whenever possible because it is a very efficient way of paying and keeps down costs. Over 55% of businesses paid by Direct Debit last year. As a Direct Debit operator, the Council guarantees:

  • We will always give you at least 14 days notice of any change in the amounts or dates of payments.
  • You can cancel a Direct Debit any time. Simply advise your Bank or Building Society.
  • Any payment that breaks the rules of the Direct Debit Scheme will be refunded immediately by your Bank or Building Society.

To pay by Direct Debit, you can sign in to your My Account and complete the form.

Not all Bank or Building Society accounts are suitable for DIRECT DEBIT. Please check with your Bank or Building Society.

Alternatively you can pay via the following options:

You can also make payments using your debit or credit card on 0151 934 4697, just follow the instructions given.

Use the secure 'pay online' link on this page.

Payments can be made at either of the Council’s One Stop Shops, or by post to Sefton Council, PO Box 33, Bootle, L20 3SX. Cheques should be made payable to Sefton MBC.
All major credit cards accepted except American express, Diners Card and Electron.

Please remember to quote your Business Rates account number as your reference and allow 5 days for your payment to be credited to your Business Rates account.

Credit to: National Westminster Bank PLC,
Corner of Longmoor Lane/ Cedar Road,
Liverpool, L9 0EG
Sort code: 60-20-23
Account No: 93226667
Account: Sefton MBC General No 4 Account – NNDR


Always ensure payment reaches the Council by the due date shown on your demand. If the payment does not reach us, the instalment facility will be withdrawn and the whole of the balance will become due. This could incur additional costs for you.

  • Allow 5 days when paying at a Bank, Post Office or via the Internet, for payment to reach the Council in time.
  • If payment is made in cash always obtain a receipt. Never send cash through the post.
  • Always produce your demand when making payments at any of the Council’s Payment Offices.



In accordance with legislation the instalments on your demand include only the amount payable for the current year. Please note that any unpaid arrears from previous years are not included in your instalments. Payments must be made in accordance with previous instructions.

If you are having difficulties or are unsure about how to make a payment, contact the council where our staff will be pleased to assist you.


Last Updated on Monday, August 12, 2024

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