It's the time of year for garden waste collections - please check your collection dates.

When is my Bin Collection Day

Acupuncture, cosmetic piercing, semi-permanent skin-colouring, electrolysis and tattooing

This type of activity is covered by the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982.

Any person wishing to carry on the practice of acupuncture, cosmetic piercing, semi-permanent skin-colouring, electrolysis or tattooing needs to be registered to do so with us.

Both the person and the premise require registering. 

We aim to complete this type of application within 28 days.

This service is not covered by the tacit authorisation process as it is in the public interest that we process the application before it can be granted.

There are fees applicable to this process. Contact us at Licensing Unit, Sefton Council, 30 Trinity Road, Bootle, L20 3NJ.

Any person wishing to carry on the business of acupuncture, cosmetic piercing, semi-permanent skin-colouring, electrolysis or tattooing needs to be registered to do so with the Council.

The following need to be registered:

  • any premises within Sefton which are occupied wholly or partly for the business of practice of acupuncture, cosmetic piercing, semi-permanent skin-colouring, electrolysis or tattooing 
  • any person wishing to carry on the practice of acupuncture, cosmetic piercing, semi-permanent skin-colouring, electrolysis or tattooing  within registered premises within Sefton

Any person registered as above does not contravene the applicable subsection(s) merely because s/he sometimes visits people at their request to tattoo them, or as the case may be, to pierce them, or to give them electrolysis, or to perform acupuncture or semi-permanent skin-colouring.

The registration of premises will continue to remain in force provided that there is no transfer of the ownership of the business;  should this occur then the new owner would need to apply for registration.

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