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Licensing registers

General Licences

This Register contains details of the following types of Licences issued: Sex Establishments, Tattooing, Ear Piercing, Acupuncture and Electrolysis, Scrap Metal Dealers, and Second Hand Dealers.

Animal Welfare Licences

This Register contains details of the following activities licensed under the Animal Welfare Regulations: selling animals as pets, providing or arranging for the provision of boarding for cats of dogs, dog day care, hiring out horses, breeding dogs, and keeping or training animals for exhibition.

Licensing Act 2003

This Register contains details of Personal Licences issued to individuals to supply, or to authorise the supply of alcohol under this Act.

This Register contains details of Club Premise Certificates (authorising the supply of alcohol to Club members and the sale of alcohol to guests) and Premises Licences (authorising where appropriate the sale and supply of alcohol, the provision of regulated entertainment and the provision of late night refreshment) issued under this Act.

Gambling Act 2005

This Register contains details of Gambling Permits (authorising Unlicensed Family Entertainment Centres, Alcohol Licensed Premises, Clubs, both commercial and non-commercial, or Premises wishing to offer commercial prize-gaming) issued under this Act.

This Register contains details of Gambling Premise Licences (authorising a premises to be used for the operation of a converted casino, for providing facilities for the playing of bingo, for the operation of an adult gaming centre, for the operation of a family entertainment centre and for providing facilities for betting) issued under this Act.

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