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Your Education

The vast majority of children who have special educational needs or disabilities in Sefton will access their educational entitlement alongside their peers in mainstream schools.

Some children will need additional support. This kind of help is called “special educational provision”. Children and young people will receive support under a single school based category called SEN Support in schools.

Sefton has a range of support services that work with early years settings and schools to help children or young people with special educational needs or disability to develop, be included and make good progress across the academic, social and emotional aspects of their life. You can find more information about all our support on the Local Offer website.

The majority of children and young people with special educational needs (SEN) will have their needs met by mainstream education. There may however come a time when despite the best efforts of all involved parents/carers, professionals or the young person themselves feel that the young person’s special educational needs cannot be met by the additional resources available to the mainstream setting.

Where the special educational provision required cannot be provided through the resources and services that are available to the mainstream setting, it may be necessary to apply for an EHC Needs Assessment. The planning meeting to draw up the EHC Plan involves parents, the young person, where appropriate, and professionals who have assessed the child or young person. School is involved in shaping and developing the provision in the plan. 

An EHC Plan is produced that makes provision for your child’s needs across education, health and care. You will have a named SEN casework assistant to support them through the process.

Your EHC Plan will be personalised. That means that all your child’s individual needs in education, health and care will be considered and the plan will then be shaped to meet their personal circumstances.

A Personal Budget may be available to families to choose how to support the child or young person.

The time taken to produce an EHC Plan is 20 weeks.

You can find more information about EHC Plans on our Local Offer website


Last Updated on Thursday, June 15, 2023

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