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Your Health

There are a range of services that are available to everybody, without the need for any assessment or referral (although you will probably need to register with them), to help manage their health.  These are often called ‘universal’ services and they include GPs, Dentists, Pharmacists, Opticians and Walk-in centres. You can find the details of these services here  at NHS Service Search.

 Details of other local universal health services can be found under Universal Health Services. Emergency and urgent care is available to everyone in the normal way of going to a local A&E or calling 999 as necessary.

There are services that support and treat people with certain conditions and normally you will have to be referred to the services by certain professionals or agencies e.g. GPs, schools, etc. These are called ‘targeted’ services. Children, young people with a disability, medical condition and/or a special educational need will probably be supported by one or more of these services through their life.

The Designated Clinical Officer (DCO) is a key role in supporting health services for children and families with SEND.

The Designated Clinical Officer (DCO) for NHS Liverpool Place and NHS Sefton Place is Ingrid Bell. If you would like help and support on a SEND health matter, please use the following e-mail address: or call 07887 528889.

Last Updated on Thursday, June 15, 2023

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