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Your Transport

Travel and transport is important to all of us whether it’s to go to school, college or work, to attend appointments or to socialise with friends and family. Disabled children and young people and their families often share their experiences around the barriers they face with getting around and tell us that if they are unable to get around it affects other things in their life such as, accessing a wide range of services and social opportunities which their non-disabled - friends and peers and their families may take for granted.

Home to School Travel Support

This enables your child to get from home to school. The type of support is based on your child’s individual needs and with regard to the best use of the Council’s resources. This can include a travel pass, independent travel training, personal travel budget or a place on commissioned transport.

School age pupils are eligible for free home to school travel support if they:

  • Are attending their nearest qualifying school and meet the eligible distance criteria relevant to their age group; or
  • Are from a low-income family and are attending a qualifying school and meet the eligible distance criteria; or
  • Attend their nearest qualifying school and unable to walk or access public transport because of their Special Educational Need Disability (SEND) or mobility.

If your child has Special Educational Needs and/or Disability click HERE to apply for an assessment.

You can find further transport support at our Local Offer website

Last Updated on Thursday, June 15, 2023

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