Boost your skills, gain qualifications and grow your confidence - sign up for our Community Learning courses this summer

Community Learning

Getting Advice

  • Various staff have built relationships with internal and external providers, giving them a network of services to signpost CYP to.  
  • Be Active - school holiday programme activities including offering discretionary places. 
  • Park Nights programme – aiming to reduce anti-social behaviour in parks by delivering free activities during Summer and Operation Banger periods.

Contact details:

Jean: 07771 693 007

Award Solutions

  • A warm welcome is given to any young person aged Year 9 and above who wants to participate in Youth activities and expeditions, lead by Professional Outdoor Instructors and Youth Workers. To find out more find us on Facebook. 
  • Residential activities during term time weekends and the start and end of school holidays.  
  • Courses also offered Mental Health 1st Aid for young people and adults. 
  • Traditional  1st Aid courses and many more. 
  • Volunteer Opportunities available.  

Contact Paul: 07765639792

  • We can support young people registered for DofE needing to complete Awards and also people who have left their school or missed an expedition etc. 
  • We give a warm welcome to anyone wanting to take part in Duke of Edinburgh and has not been able to register with a school or other youth organisation. 
  • Volunteer opportunities available. 
  • Working with children and young people 0-19, helping with education, training, and employment, encouraging good health and wellbeing, promoting community resilience.  
  • Community engagement with adults and volunteers.  
  • Outreach and Youth Support programmes for young people 11+.

Details of your offer (see examples in the draft):- Buddy Up provides social clubs and activities during school holidays for young people aged 13 to 18 who have mild to moderate Special Educational Needs and Disabilities and are at risk of social isolation. The aim of the project is to reduce social isolation, increase confidence and develop independence skills.   

Buddy Up+ @ Alchemy provides social clubs and activities during school holidays for young adults aged 18 to 25 who have mild to moderate Special Educational Needs and Disabilities and are at risk of social isolation and poor emotional health and wellbeing. The aim of the project is to reduce social isolation, increase confidence, develop independence skills and improve emotional health and wellbeing.   

Contact details:

Change Grow Live 

Phone: 01513182804

Email: Referrals - Rise Up - Sefton Change Grow Live 

Rise Up and provides free & confidential drug & alcohol support for Sefton residents under 18 to make the changes they want to stay safe & healthy. The service also offers whole family support and supports young people affected by anyone’s else’s using behaviour and links with the adult service who can provide support to parent/carers worried about the impact of their drug or alcohol use on their family - as well as support to adults worried about someone else’s drinking or drug use. 

Career Connect Supporting Families team is 1 secondee who works with older young people in the family who are on an EH, CP, CIN or YOT plan. The teamwork with aged 16 - 18 or 25 if SEN in supporting them to remain in education or training or to gain employment.

Chat Health Young people aged 11-19 years can gain advice on health and wellbeing from a School Nurse via a text messaging service Chat Health. The young person can remain anonymous if they wish. 

  • Year 11 Transition support for all young people who are educated in Sefton – ensuring young people have a guaranteed offer of learning for September  
  • Careers Information advice and guidance is offered to all Young People 16-18 ( Up to 25 if EHC plan)  
  • Tracking education, training, learning employment outcomes for post 16 destinations 

To offer advice and guidance to families who choose to home educate 

  • Provide universal half term programmes through the HAF for youth and adolescence.  
  • All centres are accessible to parents and young people 11+ to receive face to face support on issues that may be affecting them, and the right support is offered at the right time. 

Happy ‘N’ Healthy Sefton is a collaboration of public health partners (including Active Sefton, CGL, Sexual Health, Kooth, the 0-19 service and Smoke Free Sefton), which provides integrated universal health and wellbeing support for children and young people aged 0-19 (up to 25 with SEND).  

Kooth - is a free, safe and anonymous online support service and which can provide online counselling for residents of Sefton aged 10-25. 

All library staff are MECC trained and have a variety of resources to signpost children and families to services 

Early Help Housing Practitioner: Advice and assistance to 16/17-year-olds excluded from family home. Negotiations to return to family home or wider family network with ongoing support provided. 

  • Located in Bootle, The L20 Hub provides community services. We are a Youth and Community hub, passionate about our community and the development of impactful opportunities that enhance the lives of our communities' residents. 
  • Choir groups, DofE, coffee mornings. 

Netherton Park Neighbourhood Centre is a safe and fun environment. It is a place to learn, play and socialise. There is our after-school Youth Project for the older children and teens.  

Advice & guidance to families on the process and support in identifying the right placement 

Advice & guidance to families and support throughout the process 

The School Nursing Service - can offer pupils and their families support with mental health or behaviour difficulties. 

SEAS is a group of local charities (Sefton CVS, PSS, Parenting 2000, MYA Space & Venus) who have come together with the aim of helping young people to aspire and achieve through providing bespoke emotional well-being support,  

Information and signposting on all sexual health related issues including emergencies, sexual abuse, treatments, online condom & STI screening ordering (16+). Information & news also circulated on social media platforms. 

  • Families are supported and signposted to targeted services when additional needs are identified. 
  • The delivery of packages of care for 5-19 sleep support

Buddy Up is a mentoring and befriending project for young people aged between 13 and 18 who have additional needs and disabilities and are at risk of social isolation. The aim of the project is to reduce social isolation, increase confidence and independence skills by providing fun social opportunities in and around Sefton. 

  • Smoke Free Sefton support anyone working or living in Sefton to stop smoking, providing behavioural support for 12 weeks and NRT (where appropriate) 
  • Smoking & Vaping awareness sessions, workshops & training for professionals - offering a programme of outreach provision face to face in venues to suit e.g., schools, colleges, community venues etc.  
  • One to one support for young people who are wanting to stop smoking or vaping. 

Woodvale and Ainsdale Community Association (WACA) is a registered charity in Woodvale, Southport. We provide daytime, evening and school holiday activities for people in the local community and young people 11+.  

The YCP are a youth and community organisation, providing positive learning environments where young people 11+ and members of the community can develop through experienced based education, with the support of a professional, qualified and experience youth and community work team.  

  • Ykids is a youth, children and family charity based in Bootle offering a wide range of activities including: 
  • Weekly Children’s and youth clubs aged 5 to 18 years 
  • Free family events during school holidays.  
  • Schools work/lessons and assemblies 

Last Updated on Tuesday, August 13, 2024

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