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Getting Help

  • The team deliver 21 sessions per week across the borough, at evenings and weekends during school term time for children and young adults from ages 11 to19 yrs. Sessions range from supporting complex children who need additional support in local leisure centres and community venues to more able young people taking part in 'youth club' type settings and 'active and able' sessions in sports halls and pools. Sessions are drop/ short break sessions designed to offer some respite for parent/ carers while giving YP fun, creative and worthwhile leisure time while increasing their social skill sets and friendship groups. 
  • School Holiday Sessions provide a very comprehensive daytime service during all school holidays, excluding Christmas). Sessions over holidays will include specific, themed sessions e.g Science Camps, musical theatre, football and 'know your city' trips to Liverpool city Centre. 
  • 1-2-1 programme - using physical activity to support CYP (aged 11-19) with their mental health. The programme is tailored to suit the individual needs of the CYP. This will include setting goals and gaining an understanding of what the CYP wants to get out of the programme. CYP engage in a weekly session for 6-12 weeks, dependent on their level of need. Supports with improving self-esteem and self-confidence and aims to give the CYP a positive activity to engage in to support with their mental health. 
  • Move IT - a weight management programme for CYP (aged 11-18) and their families. The programme will support CYP through goal setting and providing an insight as to what success looks like. CYP engage in a weekly session for 6 weeks where they learn about the importance of a healthy lifestyle, whilst being introduced to habits that will be pivotal for a sustained healthy weight. 
  • Be Active - school holiday programme activities. Discretionary places for children on a range of sports activities during school holidays. 
  • Park Nights programme – free activities in parks to reduce anti-social behaviour during Summer and Operation Banger periods.


  • Change, Grow, Live are a national charity that offers free, confidential support to people in who have issues with drugs, alcohol, or mental health. Commissioned by Sefton to provide services to children & families. Change Grow Live deliver both adult treatment and CYP services to enable a holistic approach to any person affected by substance misuse of any age both directly and indirectly. 
  • Change Grow Live deliver a 3-tier approach to addressing the issue of substance misuse amongst children and young people in Sefton. 
  • Universal: Available and accessible information, advice and guidance for anyone – this is provided through leaflets (service & substance specific) in available in venues throughout the borough that are accessed by young people.  
  • Targeted: This includes drug and alcohol awareness and harm minimisation sessions, groupwork, training for professionals throughout a programme of outreach provision face to face in venues to suit e.g., schools, colleges, community venues etc.  
  • Specialist: One to one support for children and young people who are actively using substances. 
  • The children and young people are supported to explore the impact of parental substance misuse, explore their wishes and feelings, build resilience, and gain a better understanding of addiction. 

To identify and support pupils and families who are not on a school role and ensure they are receiving an appropriate level of education.

To offer support to families of pupils who are on a reduced timetable with the aim of achieving a full-time education 

  • Early Help Assessment: Coordinated support with a TAF whole family. 
  • Chill Skills: These groups are particularly beneficial for children who may be experiencing anxiety, low self-esteem, or lack of confidence. They can be delivered in a group or one to one. 
  • North Young people’s groups girls: The aim of the session is to offer support to young people 13+ with sexual health, health and wellbeing and develop positive self-esteem building.   
  • North Young people’s group Boys 13+.  The aim of the session is to offer information, advice and guidance linked to drugs and alcohol, mental health and wellbeing – keep safe online, anger management, self-esteem building. 
  • Shadow Board: The Youth Voice programmes across the Family Wellbeing Service offers young people 11+ the opportunity to engage in structured opportunities to ensure their voice is heard and shared in developing services for young people.

Ensure pupils and families are supported through the process when facing school exclusions and ensure a new school is allocated according to statutory guidelines 

  • Libraries provide work placements for post 15-year-old children. 
  • Excluded children are tutored and use the library spaces.  
  • Book club for teenagers.  
  • Teenagers vote on a particular book that they think should be read by peers.  

Located in the MASH team, the worker will notify and support schools where attendance is an issue and offer guidance and support in triggering an Early Help plan 

  • Parenting 2000 – Provides counselling for children and young people aged 6 and over. 
  • Also offers mental wellbeing youth mentoring sessions for 11–18-year-olds and a 
  • Parenting programme with a mental wellbeing focus. 
  • Termly targeted support meetings to identify pupils with poor attendance, agree targeted actions and access to services.  
  • First day response should they not arrive at school and advice and guidance provided to families.  
  • Sexual Health Promotion Developmental Programmes for targeted young people off curriculum in school settings or within youth & community specialist services. Ages 13-19 years. 
  • Sefton C-Card scheme. Available for registered sites and their service user. For young people 13-19 yrs. 
  • National chlamydia screening programme for specifically sexually active young women aged 15-24 years who are asymptomatic. 

Participation in Early Help Plans from referral in or stepping down approach.  

Swan work with women and girls aged 13+ years, who are affected by or experience anxiety, depression, stress, isolation, or other mental health issues. We provide a range of services such as Counselling, as well as an Outreach Service for those who struggle to leave their home, a Befriending Service, as well as a number of Women's Support Groups.  

Venus - provides therapeutic interventions for children and young people aged 5-18 which includes person centred counselling and cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT). 

  • Outreach - Staff go to local hotspots and engage with young people in the areas, signpost to local activities/Youth Centres. Can also signpost and offer guidance on Drugs/Alcohol, exploitation.  
  • Youth Bus - Staff go into areas work with communities’ can-do long-term projects in local areas. Work with families as well as young people. Encourage Community Cohesion. Projects such as Street Cooking, Forest School Projects. Diversionary Activities at specific points in the year (Halloween/Bonfire etc). Youth Voice/Consultation work. Exploitation Awareness.  Can deliver various programs (Stay safe work) to cohorts/regular attendees. Intervention work when identified. Signpost or refer to EH/MASH/Safeguarding if needed. 
  • New Beginnings (Referral Only) Please note this is not a specialist session. This session is a youth session that is a safe space for young LGBTQIA + young people. Age of the session can at times be a barrier due to the core age of the group attending. Provides youth work setting covering things such as sexual health, healthy relationships, drugs and alcohol awareness, exploitation.  
  • Drug and Alcohol Awareness (Program which can be run, awareness raising in all sessions on Drugs) 
  • Pornography Program - In progress of being developed. (To be run with Cohorts of young people. In Youth Settings/Schools) This program has come about due to the increase of young people accessing Pornography and showing sexualised behaviours, sexting, taking pictures and the dangers of this kind of behaviour and the laws around this. This is an awareness program to ensure young people are making informed choices after getting to know the facts. 
  • Open Access Sessions. These sessions are available to anyone ages 11-19 (age-appropriate groups) We also have a junior session (8-11). These sessions are aimed at engaging young people early on to deliver intervention and prevention projects and activities to encourage engagement which then allows us to informally educate and provide guidance on subjects such as Exploitation, ASB, Drugs/Alcohol Awareness, Healthy Relationships, Healthy Lifestyles. Junior sessions are aimed at supporting young people through transition from primary school to secondary school as well as some of the other activities listed above (Age Appropriate). 
  • Mental Health Awareness - While we are not mental health trained professionals, we do across all sessions have awareness on how to support and talk positively about mental health.  
  • Healthy Relationships - All staff are able to talk about Health relationships with young people. Young people often have relationship issues, and it is important that in a youth work setting we are able to address this but get young people to understand what healthy and unhealthy relationships look like
  • Turnaround - we have commenced a new MOJ project which supports children from an early intervention perspective. Children at the first point of arrest where no further action has been taken or have engaged in anti-social behaviour (and received warnings) are eligible for the project and are diverted into positive activities. 
  • Community Youth Connectors - we have commenced a VRP funded project to support girls with low level mental health concerns who are at risk of not attending or offending behaviour. We work with schools to identify girls for the project 

Last Updated on Tuesday, August 13, 2024

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