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Getting More Help

  • Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) – for children and young people up to the age of 18, following assessment CAMHS can offer interventions on a range of mental health difficulties.  
  • Eating Disorder Service – Is a multi-disciplinary team which provides treatment for children and young with an eating disorder. 


  • Early Help Assessment: Coordinated support with a TAF whole family. 
  • ACE Recovery: The 10-week targeted recovery programme supports young people to develop resilience and develop protective factors to minimise the impact of ACEs on themselves. 
  • Teen Triple P: The teen Triple P is a 6-week intervention with young people 13+. A central feature of the programme is to explore challenging and risky behaviours and develop coping strategies. 
  • Taking Therapies (IPT-A): 12 week one to one therapeutic intervention for 13–19-year-olds struggling with depression symptoms. The two main aims of the therapy are to improve interpersonal relationships and communication skills whilst reducing the frequency and intensity of depression symptoms. 
  • Taking therapies Adolescent Skills Training (AST) group An 8 week teenage (12-19) depression prevention program that teaches communication and interpersonal problem-solving skills to improve relationships. This group-based intervention helps adolescents learn ways to resolve conflicts, negotiate with others, and strengthen important relationships. 

Mental Health in Schools Team - an early intervention and preventative service offering mental health and wellbeing support to young people, families and school staff. 

RASA Merseyside is a professional counselling and support service that exists solely to improve the mental and physical well-being of individuals impacted by sexual violence at some point in their lives.  

Offer of an EH plan when school protocols have not worked to unblock barriers to improved attendance and work with the whole family. 

For clinical input for young people who can't or won't attend the service, there is a team of clinical outreach nurses who can provide contraception and STI testing and treatments. By referral only

  • Named adviser for NEET or at Risk of NEET young people 
  • Advocate and broker Career Advice, Information and Advice for Vulnerable Young People and young people at risk of NEET dovetailing with statutory services.  
  • Targeted referrals for young people with Early Help plans. 
  • An early intervention response for young people in years 9,10 and 11 who are deemed most at risk of becoming NEET and disengaging from provision by the age of 16 and 17. Interventions via 1:1 and/or group work. 
  • Named Adviser or Career Coach all Young People 16-18 ( Up to 25 if EHC plan) Not in Education, Employment Training ( NEET).  
  • Elected Home Education - Early intervention through Year 9,10, 11 which ensures a positive transition at year 11.  (Including support with Pinefield and Impact PRU) named adviser – assessment, engagement, and supporting into EET. 

Making Effective Transitions 
•Supporting and advocating for young people who may be disadvantaged by periods of missed education  
•Improved access to careers advice and guidance  
•More education and training opportunities, as well as chances to re-skill in new and growing employment sectors  
• Support for travel training 
•  Visits to college and training                    

  • Employability Support CVs, applications, interviews   

EH Assessment of strengths and risks to identify further support required. As part of the partnership, we would escalate if the plan was not robust ensuring no drift and delay. 

  • One-to-one support for children and young people 
  • Individual emotional and practical support and advice via a dedicated specialist caseworker. 
  • Group support for children and young people 
  • The Together Programme promotes positive self-perception, healthy relationships and emotional wellbeing in a small group setting. 
  • SWACA’s child on parent violence and abuse service provides a safe place to talk about worries and concerns relating to experiences of abuse or violence a parent is experiencing from their child. 
  • Intensive Support for Families in need: Our aim is to deliver support 2/3 times per week between 12-20 weeks to families in need of support. Focussed areas of work with completion of such items as Frequency, intensity, duration, and onset (FIDOS) Safety plans, aims and goals, strengths and needs. Intensive 2 - 3 visits per week to home, school, places of attendance.  
  • 12 - 20 weeks support offer: We work with the whole family ensuring that all family members are supported and included. Case mapping with all stakeholders and family members.  
  • Case referrals accepted from Childrens social care via C&F, step down from CIN. We support families to make positive changes for a better future. Use of sustainability model to ensure supportive transitions from support. Ensuring stakeholder involvement, Family are at the heart of their plan, engaging all parties. 
  • Sexual Health (Inclusive Program) Run for groups of young people can be run in schools over a number of weeks and can be run in centres of a number of weeks. Cohorts needed 13+ due to nature of subject matter. 
  • ASB Awareness Project (Project run in schools) This is a project that has been developed alongside young people in making them aware of what ASB is. The content has been developed by young people for young people and does carry a small charter mark for those that complete the project in schools. The aim of this is to hopefully reduce the amount of young people involved in ASB. 

Out of Court Disposals - for children who commit a low-level offence and who do not have an offending history and admit guilt. The child is referred to an out of court panel by the police and an appropriate disposal is determined without the child being charged for the offence and having to attend court. The child has an assessment with an associated plan outlining specific goal. Risk management procedures may be relevant depending on the child's circumstances. 

Last Updated on Tuesday, August 13, 2024

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