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Religious Education

The SACRE (Standing Advisory Committee for Religious Education) is a body that every Local Authority is required to set up as a requirement of the 1988 Education Reform Act.

The main purpose of SACRE is to advise the Local Authority on matters concerned with religious education and collective worship in community schools. It also has a responsibility to monitor and support provision in these areas.

RE must be taught in schools but it is not part of the National Curriculum, and the syllabus is determined locally. SACRE must require the LA to create and keep under review an Agreed Syllabus in Religious Education. The 2021 version of the syllabus is available below.

The legal requirement is that SACRE should consist of four groups:

  • Committee A: Christian and other principal religious traditions
  • Committee B: The Church of England
  • Committee C: Teachers’ Associations
  • Committee D: Sefton Council

Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education 2021 to 2026.

Sefton SACRE are in the process of reviewing the agreed syllabus 2021. The Local Authority are planning to work with practitioners from the primary and secondary sector. This working party will review options in order to purchase a syllabus to support our schools deliver the RE curriculum. Once this process has been completed, a programme of training will be advertised to support our schools. 

Sefton Agreed Syllabus 2021 to 2026

Sefton SACRE normally meets termly. Members of the public are welcome to attend as observers, but are advised to check the dates and venues in advance with the Clerk to SACRE, Professional Development Centre (PDC), Formby - 0151 934 2830.

The LA link officer for Sefton SACRE is Jacqui Patterson – Tel: 0151-934-2646 | Address: PDC, 225 Park Road, Formby, L37 6EW.

Last Updated on Tuesday, August 13, 2024

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