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Community Learning

Southport Library

The fully refurbished Southport Library re-opened in 2013 following a major improvement to the Lord Street building, which is part of the wider Atkinson cultural centre project.

The showpiece is the extended children’s section with room for activities and events, which includes a ship, specially made for the library, named after Kathleen - a real fishing boat built in Southport around 1900.

Other additions include a new teenage space, self-service machines and information pods, a wider range of books and access to toilets.

a photo of the outside of Southport Library a photo of the inside of Southport Library

Opening Hours Contact Details
Monday: 10am-5pm
Tuesday: 10am-5pm
Wednesday: 10am-5pm
Thursday: 10am-5pm
Friday: 10am-5pm
Saturday: 10am-2pm
Sunday: CLOSED

Southport Library
Lord Street

0151 934 2118


Family History
Tuesday, 1.30pm-3.30pm

Digital Drop-in Sessions
Wednesday, 10am-1pm

Story & Rhymetime
Wednesday, 11.30am - Limited places and booking essential. Please telephone the library to reserve a place.


  • Distributes free sim cards and mobile data



Last Updated on Wednesday, March 19, 2025

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