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Speech and Language

Speech & Language

toddler and baby sitting next to each otherChildren learn from parents, teachers, friends and family. Some children learn communication skills quickly and some children may take longer.   

A Speech and Language Therapist works with children who may need help: 


  • Listening and following instructions. 
  • Playing and talking with other children. 
  • Understanding what people say to them. 
  • Saying sounds and talking clearly. 
  • Using words in sentences. 
  • Eating and drinking. 

If you have tried lots of ideas and are still worried your child may need to see a Speech and Language Therapist. Referrals to the service can be made by anyone who knows adults reading book to babyyour child well and can describe their speech and language needs and what has been tried already. Referral forms can be found by clicking here and downloading the referral form.  

If your child requires speech and language therapy, you may be seen by one of the following services:  

  • Acute speech and language therapy  
  • Community speech and language therapy Sefton  
  • Community speech and language therapy Liverpool  
  • Specialist speech and language therapy for deaf people  
  • Willy Russel Centre  

For more guidance about speech, language and communication, the Communication Intervention Team (ComIT) in collaboration with the Welsh Government have created A person and person reading a bookguidance for practitioners who support Early Childhood learning for children aged between 0 years and 3 years 11 months. There’s lots of great ideas about how to support children including learning environment checklists in document 1, which can be found by following this link 

The speech and language team here at Sefton work hard with the Early Years Team within the council, and across schools and settings, to ensure children are well supported. The Speech and language team runs projects across the LA, delivers training and has weekly round ups where key information is shared with settings and schools.  

Slc Guidance Section 1 (pdf 1.65MB)
Slc Guidance 18 Months To 2 (pdf 2.32MB)
Slc Guidance 0 18 Months (pdf 2.07MB)
Slc Guidance 2 Yrs 2 Yrs 11 Months (pdf 2.55MB)
Slc 3 Yrs To 3 Yrs 11 Months (pdf 2.76MB)


Last Updated on Thursday, May 30, 2024

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