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About The Strand

Meet the Contractor – Demolition Q&A Sessions 27th and 28th February.  Find out more on our Engagement page.

In 2017, Sefton Council purchased Bootle Strand Shopping Centre as a key part of its commitment to regenerate the town centre. 

Our high streets have and are going through a period of huge change. This change is driven by the growth of online shopping, our changing consumer habits during the COVID-19 pandemic, and people looking for a different experience within our town centres.

A computer generated aerial shot of the new shopping centre with lights and open spaces visible.


Looking Ahead

Sefton Council have a clear ambition and commitment to ensure that the Strand is sustainable economically, socially and environmentally. They will do this by:

  • Facilitating local provision of services to improve the health and wellbeing of the Bootle community.
  • Better connecting the centre with its community and assets like the canal and rail station by becoming more outward facing.
  • Sustainably improving connectivity/accessibility for residents, business and visitors.
  • Promoting social inclusion reflecting the strong values of the Bootle community.
  • Developing a strong and positive town centre-brand and identity.
  • Expanding night-time and leisure economy.
  • Maximising the potential of public sector investment including raising the profile of Bootle with Central Government, and wider partners including within health and education.
  • Attracting private sector investment into the centre

Mons square

A computer generated image of what the new Strand's outdoor space looks like with benches and food stalls.

Sefton Council has just unveiled a stunning new video showing how the Strand could look in the future.

In the 2½ minute, CGI fly-through, viewers are taken through and around the Strand’s remodelled and new indoor and outdoor spaces, including the planned new town square, green spaces and community areas.


The Strand will remain open to the public during all works and the aim is to minimise disruption to businesses and customers during this period. 

So please keep visiting the Centre and support all the businesses that are based there.


Funded by UK Government

Last Updated on Thursday, February 27, 2025

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