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Strand FAQs

While the Bootle regeneration project has been taking place, we’ve been speaking to members of the local community and getting their views. Below is a number of frequently asked questions so far. These will be updated as the project progresses.

The Strand sits at the centre of Bootle and is really important to the Town. Any investment in the Strand needs to bring new jobs and opportunities for residents and attract more people into Bootle.  It will be the focal point of a more vibrant Bootle with a wider range of activities including leisure, food and drink, health, education and culture.

There will be more open areas, green space, and better links for those visiting the Centre on foot or by public transport. The centre will look and feel much more welcoming and will create a better experience for people shopping and accessing facilities.

In 2017, Sefton Council purchased Bootle Strand Shopping Centre as a key part of its commitment to regenerate the town centre.  The Strand is really important to Bootle but it needs investment to ensure it is a thriving, sustainable asset at the heart of the town for the longer term.

Our high streets have and are going through a period of huge change. This change is driven by the growth of online shopping, our changing consumer habits during the COVID-19 pandemic and people looking for a different experience within our town centres.

Bootle Strand continues to generate a good level of footfall and has a range of retailers you would expect to see in a centre of this type.  However the Council want to include a wider range of uses in the Centre – including food and drink, leisure education and health.  This will encourage more people to visit the Strand.

The new and vibrant activity is being developed to stimulate the local economy, transform the look and feel of the Town for residents, businesses and visitors and improve the quality of life for local people.

The first part of the project is demolition.  Pre-demolition survey works are currently being carried out and hoardings are due to go up in early 2025.   

The Phase 1 Canalside, Cultural Hub and Town Square elements of the project are being funded by a £20m grant from Central Government that Sefton Council successfully bid for and was awarded in March 2023. The Council is working closely with a range of partners to secure funding for further phases of the transformation work. 

Retail has changed a lot since the Council bought The Strand in 2017. The initial priority for the Council on buying the centre was to ensure there was a robust management plan in place, and to understand the key issues facing the retailers and the centre in general. The COVID-19 pandemic further impacted the retail market, but also meant that the Councils focus had to remain on the management of the centre.

The Council has been working with the City Region Combined Authority around the transformation of the Strand since 2021. The award of money from Central Government in 2023 means that this transformation can now begin.  

The area next to the canal, now known as Salt and Tar, is a flexible events space in the heart of Bootle.  It has been used for a range of community and large-scale events. This year has been the first year of running a full events programme, with Tom Jones playing two nights in August as part of the music weekender.

Next year, the Music Weekender will return, headlined by The K's, and the venue will host a brand new Fringe Festival in May 2025.

The Salt and Tar site will be linked to the wider open spaces being developed as part of the Strand repurposing project.

Future plans for the Salt and Tar site include a mix of community and ticketed events.  More information about the site can be found or by emailing

The Strand will remain open while works are carried out and entrances, exits and ways through will be well signed. The repurposing works take place in a way that minimises disruption to both businesses and visitors.

During this time, residents and visitors are encouraged to keep visiting the shopping centre and supporting local retailers. There will be plenty of activities and events taking place in The Strand over the year, with something for everyone.


Barker Proudlove, is responsible for letting space within The Strand.  If you would like to find out more about the opportunities and spaces available, please contact Jon ( who will be able to provide you with more information.

There is a website for the transformation project that can be accessed at Bootle Strand ( which will be updated on a regular basis and there will be regular updates on social media.  The Project Team can also be contacted at or through the Sefton Councils Contact Centre on 0345 140 0845.

The Project Team are also arranging meetings with community groups and Strand tenants and residents of Strand House will receive regular updates on project progress.

Any community engagement we do as part of the Strand Transformation will be closely linked to the Bootle Area Action Plan process.

Works will not start very early in the morning or finish too late in the evening. Sefton have now appointed Vinci as the contractor for the demolition phase.  More details about working times will be shared shortly.

No, there are no plans to demolish the Triad or Strand House as part of this project.

This is still being discussed. In the conversations we have had with local people and Centre users many have stated that they want the shopping area roof to remain.

We know that this is a concern for local residents and businesses.  In response Sefton MBC are working with our partners to tackle this issue. The work will see us working alongside services to provide health and wellbeing advice/support as well as enforcement action against those that continue to cause anti-social behaviour or commit criminal offences in and around the Strand.

The plans for the Strand Transformation also include better lighting and security cameras, and we are currently looking at how the existing security service within the Strand will work in the new spaces. 

The planning application, which was submitted in October 2024, is for a community hub but, as per the consultation, we are currently working with partners and engaging with potential occupiers/tenants to identify options for this space - this includes undertaking a feasibility study for an integrated health and social care hub.

Any potential offer at the Strand would complement, not duplicate, existing offers within the community.

In addition it should be noted that the former M&S will include smaller lettable retail units to the northern elevation which would front on to the new Mons Square. An occupier strategy for the lower ground floor is being worked on.

We have appointed a consultant who specialises in inclusive design and the design team has made sure that accessibility requirements have been considered throughout the whole process. Further work is planned with groups who have particular needs to make sure that all visitors can access and use the new town centre with ease.

Funded by UK Government

Last Updated on Friday, November 15, 2024

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