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Installation of Telegraph Poles

Installation of telegraph poles carrying Fibre to the Premises (FTTP) cables

Telegraph poles are:

  • Typically made from wood, but can be metal
  • Typically 8-10 metres in height.
  • Supporting a fixed broadband cable above the highway that doesn't transmit or receive radio signals.
  • Essentially the same as the common telegraph poles that carry telephone wires.

Attaching broadband cables to telegraph poles means that companies can provide internet without having to dig up roads, driveways or front gardens.

As they are typically less than 15 metres and don't broadcast signals themselves, they are 'permitted development' and can be installed within the highway without needing any form of planning consent or permission from the Council

Telecommunications companies are required to give the Council 28 days’ notice of their intention to install a pole but there are no real grounds for objection. As the installation of a pole does not require planning permission, the Council will not notify local residents.  However, it is good practice for the telecommunications company to advertise their intentions within the vicinity of the site, usually by a site notice.

Telecommunication companies have legal powers to install, maintain and remove their infrastructure on the highway. As such, a highway licence is not required, simply a permit for the method and period of installation. The Council would only intervene if the pole was causing an obstruction which shouldn't be the case if the operators follow national guidance on their installation.


Last Updated on Tuesday, August 13, 2024

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