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Highway Proposals


The vision for the Les Transformations project is to create accessible, well connected and high-quality public spaces, improving footfall between all areas of the Town Centre. This will support businesses in attracting and retaining customers, improve the health and wellbeing of communities, encourage people to stay longer or return more frequently and thereby reinforce the vision for the town.

This first phase of work will be centred on the ‘Market Quarter’ and will cover parts of Eastbank Street, King Street and Market Street – see plan below for the extents of this phase.

The first phase will comprise of a public realm scheme to significantly improve the appearance of these streets. The public realm scheme will include footway widening, new footway paving, new kerbing, new carriageway materials, new street furniture and tree planting with additional planted areas together with improved pedestrian crossings – see the artistic impression of Market Street below.

To change the feel of the ‘Market Quarter’ area and provide space for outdoor seating for the Market and to give greater emphasis to pedestrians there will be a permanent change to traffic movements to compliment the new works. These changes to the traffic movements will be as follows

  • A prohibition of general traffic along Market Street, between King Street and the Market Hall yard entrance by Queen Anne Street, creating a traffic free environment.
  • A new 2-way section of Market Street between the Market Hall yard entrance by Queen Anne Street and Princess Street. There will be no prohibition of traffic on this section.
  • A new one-way traffic flow arrangement on King Street, between Eastbank Street and Market Street (with traffic permitted to travel from Eastbank Street).
  • The introduction of a 20mph speed limit on a section of Eastbank Street.

The construction works are expected to last through to the Autumn 2025.

Landscape General Arrangement (pdf 1.74MB)

Last Updated on Wednesday, February 19, 2025

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