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Pavement Licence

Many cafes, restaurants and bars may wish to use outdoor seating areas to allow customers to sit and eat and drink

To assist in this process, the Government issued new guidance, in the form of the Business and Planning Bill 2020.

The temporary pavement licence process introduced a streamlined consent route to allow businesses to obtain a licence to place temporary furniture, such as tables and chairs, outside cafes, bars and restaurants quickly and for a fee of no more than £100.00.

The temporary measures can be extended up to the end of September 2024, with no requirement for planning permission during this period. The measures also provide automatic extensions to the terms of on-sales alcohol licences to allow for off-sales.

In line with the Government guidance, we have introduced a temporary pavement licence procedure, which is detailed below. This procedure will help support local businesses, whilst having regards for all users of the highway

Business can still choose to follow the existing process for pavement cafes, by applying for planning permission and a subsequent highway licence, should they so wish.

Pavement Licence Request Form (word 54KB)


Last Updated on Tuesday, August 13, 2024

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