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Southport Planning Support

**Starting 2nd December 2024**

Many businesses and investors in the Southport area are experiencing financial difficulties following recent events.  To help with these difficulties  the Local Planning Authority have introduced temporary measures to incentivise development opportunities in the area.  This includes:

  1. In person ‘Planning Advice’ for businesses and investors who are looking to develop in Southport Town Centre and Seafront.
  2. Free pre-applications for development which will make a positive contribution to the economic function and visitor experience of the Southport Town Centre and Seafront area.

Further information on the proposed measures can be found below.

Southport Planning Advice

What is Southport Planning Advice?

To help businesses and investors with potential developments in the Town Centre and Seafront Area, Planning Services is offering the opportunity to meet a senior planning officer to give an informal view on the planning aspects of a proposal.  This is a free service and would be the first step  to obtaining formal pre-application advice.  This will  help fine tune the planning requirements and set out realistic timeframes for managing the project.

Who is the service for?

The service is open to any business or investor looking to develop within the Town Centre and Seafront Area.

When can I meet a planning officer?

A senior planning officer will be available to meet in person at Southport Town Hall every Thursday between the hours of 10am and 3pm by appointment.

How do I speak to a planning officer?

Simply complete the form below and email it to 

A senior planning officer will contact you to arrange a time to meet on the next available Thursday.

Where do I go for more information?

Email us at 

Free Pre-application Advice

What is pre-application advice?

Pre-application advice is a service offered before full planning permission that allows you to understand how the development policies will apply, gain advice from a planning officer, identify any potential problems and rectify them before a full planning permission application is submitted.

There is a fee for such service across Sefton, however, for a temporary period the Council are officering the service free of charge for certain types of development in a specified area of Southport.

How do I benefit from a free pre-application service?

Prospective developers will be able to benefit from free pre-application advice for development which will make a positive contribution to the economic function and visitor experience of Southport Town Centre and Seafront area (represented by a red line on the following map below) including:

• Hotels and guest houses
• Arts and cultural uses
• New and improved visitor attractions
• Leisure facilities
• Education uses
• Uses which secure a sustainable future for vacant or ‘at risk’ heritage assets
• Uses that will secure a sustainable future for vacant premises on Lord Street
• Residential uses that will secure a sustainable future for vacant space above shops in Lord Street.

In addition, a 300m ‘edge of centre’ buffer has been introduced (represented with a blue line on the map below). Within the buffer area, pre-application advice may be provided for free (subject to agreement with the Planning Service Manager), where it can be demonstrated that a development will make a positive contribution to the economic function and visitor experience of the area for developments relating to:

• Hotels and guest houses
• Arts and cultural uses
• New and improved visitor attractions
• Leisure facilities

Beyond the 300m buffer, there will be no free pre-application advice unless it can be demonstrated that the proposal would offer significant support towards the economic function of the Town Centre. This will also need to be agreed with the Service Manager.

How do I apply for free pre-application advice?

The following link provides further information as to how to apply for pre-application advice.

Pre-application advice on development proposals

Please make clear in your submission that you are seeking free pre-application advice and stating the reason why your development benefits from the pre-application service.

Pre-application advice on development proposals (pdf 1.08MB)
Map of free pre-app designated area with 300m buffer (pdf 6.17MB)
Planning Advice Request Form (pdf 1.45MB)


Last Updated on Wednesday, November 27, 2024

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