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Flu for toddlers

Flu can be serious. On average more than 11,000 people die each year from the flu and many more are hospitalised. 

Flu season usually peaks in December and January. Immunisation can help protect those at risk during the colder months when people gather indoors, and viruses spread.

The nasal flu vaccine is the most effective vaccine for children aged 2-17 years but if this is not suitable the GP or practice nurse may be able to offer a flu vaccine injection as an alternative.

Children aged 2 or 3 years

Nasal flu immunisations are available to all children aged 2 or 3 years on 31 August 2024.

The can get their flu vaccine at their GP surgery.

You should get an invitation from your GP surgery, but you can contact your GP to book an appointment.

From Reception to Year 6

Primary school aged children (from Reception to Year 6) usually get their flu vaccine at school.

You should get an invitation from your child's school to get their vaccine, usually during the autumn term.

If your child misses their vaccination at school or if they are home-schooled, they should be offered a flu vaccine at a community clinic.

If your child is 4 years old but has not started school yet, they can get vaccinated at either:

  • a community clinic – if they turned 4 years of age on or before 31 August 2024
  • their GP surgery – if they turned 4 years of age after 31 August 2024

Older children

Vaccinations are also available for secondary school aged children (from Year 7 to Year 11).

Last Updated on Thursday, November 14, 2024

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