Tragic incident in Southport - Monday 29th July

Updates and Support

Schools Forum

The purpose of the Schools Forum is to provide some strategic direction to the Local Authority in particular, around the funding of Sefton schools, including;

  • consideration of the schools’ formula funding;
  • funding for High Needs;
  • Early Years and Central Support services.

The Schools Forum has a small number of decision-making powers, mostly around schools funding, for example de-delegation of school funding, and Central provision for a range of permitted services and contingencies; and it also acts in a consultative capacity.

The Education Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) has publish detailed guidance on the operation of a Schools Forum, including general make-up of a Forum, and its decision-making powers. In addition, there is a useful high-level summary of the powers and responsibilities. The link to these documents is provided below for information:

Membership of the Schools Forum may consist of a mixture of School and non-school representatives.

School representatives are drawn from headteachers and governors proportional to pupil numbers between Maintained and Academy schools across the phases, as well as representatives from Special Schools and PRUs.

Other external providers such as PVI Nurseries and Post 16 FE providers, LA Members and Trade Union representatives may also be represented on the Schools Forum.

Minutes and other key documents 

4.0 Jan 2024 Report On School Improvement (word 102KB)
5.1 APPENDIX 1 SB Funding Changes 2024 25 (word 26KB)
5.4 Appendix 3 Funding Model Variations (excel 38KB)
6.0 Jan 2024 High Needs Updates (word 52KB)
6.1 High Needs Nov Forecasts 23 24 Appen 1 Upda (word 36KB)
6.2 High Needs 0.5% Allocation Appendix 2 (pdf 187KB)
7.0 Jan 2024 Report Wraparound Childcare Expansion (word 44KB)
10.0 2023 11 21 Minutes EY Devt Group (word 1004KB)
Actions And Notes From School Forum Meeting Jan24 (word 23KB)
Copy Of 5.3 APPENDIX 2B Normal Alloc APT 2024 2025 (excel 39KB)
School Forum Membership (word 28KB)
Schools Forum Agenda 15 Jan 2024 (word 36KB)

Last Updated on Tuesday, August 13, 2024

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