If your child has been refused a place at a school by the Admission Authority (or via a Fair Access Panel decision), you have the right to submit an appeal against this decision, to an Independent Appeal Panel. You can find the relevant information on how to submit an appeal in our Admission Appeals Guide for Parents.
Admission Appeals Guide 2024-25 | (pdf 294KB) |
Details will also be provided to you in the decision notification sent out by the Local Authority, when your application has been processed (for In Year Admissions) or on/around the National Offer Days (for Primary & Secondary School Admissions*). In respect of appeals that are administered by the Local Authority, (as set out on page 2 of the Appeals Guide), you can complete an appeal request form by using the ‘Do it online’ link on this page. You must complete a separate form for each school you wish to appeal for.
The appeals guide contains contact details if you wish to provide any supplementary information once you have completed the appeal form online.
Some appeals for Faith Schools and Academies are administered by other Admission Authorities and separate arrangements apply. The appeals guide sets out which Admission Authority you should appeal to.
For St Michael’s Church of England High School Year 7 entry the school will administer the appeals for pupils transferring from primary school. You can access the appeal form via the school’s website or by contacting the school directly. For In Year admissions/school transfer appeals for all other year groups (and Year 7 once the academic year has begun), you can submit an appeal by completing the Local Authority appeal form using ‘Do it online’ link on this page.
For all Catholic schools you must submit your appeal via Liverpool Archdiocese. You can complete an appeal form online on the Archdiocese website.
For Church of England primary schools - please refer to the appeals guide for more information.
*There are strict timescales for submitting appeals for Primary & Secondary school admissions (Reception and Year 7 entry). The Local Authority has produced a timetable for these hearings which you can find within the appeals guide above.
Statistics for successful and unsuccessful appeals (Primary & Secondary Admissions only) for previous academic years are available below:
Secondary Admissions Appeals Stats 2024 | (pdf 80KB) |
Primary School Admissions Appeals 2024 | (pdf 138KB) |
Secondary School Admissions Appeals 2023 | (pdf 88KB) |
Secondary Admissions Appeals Stats 2022 | (pdf 104KB) |
Secondary Admissions Appeals Stats 2021 | (pdf 103KB) |
Secondary Admissions Appeals Stats 2020 | (excel 21KB) |
Secondary Admissions - Appeals Stats 2019 | (pdf 67KB) |
Primary School Admission Appeals 2023 | (pdf 137KB) |
Primary Admissions Appeal Stats 2022 | (pdf 109KB) |
Primary Admissions Appeals Stats 2021 | (pdf 108KB) |
Primary Admissions Appeals Stats 2020 | (excel 22KB) |
Primary Admissions - Appeals Stats 2019 | (pdf 163KB) |