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Your Home, Your Say Consultation

Adult Social Care Supported Living Engagement

Your Home Your Say – Engagement Update

The Supported Living Engagement is now closed.  We would like to thank all those who contributed and took the time to complete surveys.

If you have completed a paper copy of the survey, all completed copies received by Monday 13th February 2023 will be included in the engagement findings report.

Next Steps

  • We are now in the process of analysing all of the feedback and responses received, an update on timescales will be published on the website toward the end of February.
  • We will be in touch with all those that have shown an interest in becoming involved in the Supported Living Reference Group with an update over the coming weeks.

Your Home, Your Say

Supported Living is for people with eligible care needs, which are described in the Care Act 2014. The Care Act is a law about care and support for adults in England and how services need to meet their requirements. The Care Act states if a person is eligible for support, we must support them. We would like to make sure there are high quality services.

The main principle of Supported Living is that people with an eligible care need can live in their own home and have control over the support they receive.

Supported Living can look different for different people. For one person, a few hours support a week may meet their needs, for another person they may require all day, every day support to assist them.

Sefton Council is working jointly with Sefton Carers Centre and Healthwatch Sefton to understand the views service users and carers have about Supported Living.

We would like to hear from:

  • People in Sefton who are currently living in Supported Living accommodation.
  • Carers who currently support someone who is living in Supported Living in Sefton.
  • Carers who support someone who may consider a Supported living home in the future or are on the waiting list for Supported Living.

Please get involved to help us develop a plan with our partners, for the future of Supported Living services in Sefton.

We want to work with our key partners in Sefton including those who provide services and people with lived experience and their carers.

We want to co-produce a range of high quality accommodation with support across Sefton by 2025 for both older adults and young adults with disabilities. Co-production describes working in partnership by sharing power with those who use care and support, carers and citizens to improve public services.

The co-produced provision will better meet people’s care and support needs, whilst promoting their health, wellbeing, and independence.

There is nothing to worry about. The information will help the Council to make sure that services are of a good quality.

Services need to meet the requirements of the Care Act 2014. The Care Act is a law about care and support for adults in England.

If a person is eligible for supported living, we want to make sure there is more choice, access to high quality accommodation that will better meet people’s care and support needs, whilst promoting their health, wellbeing, and independence.

What we do with what you tell us

The development of a draft strategy is underway it will be further informed by the information and answers you share.

The information and answers that you share with us will be put into a report. This report will be available in accessible formats.

Co-production group

We are also setting up a co-production group to help us to improve Supported Living in the future. We want to work with service users and carers to design what good Supported Living looks like. We would like to have regular meetings with the group to find out what works well and what improvements can be made to the service.

To find out more, watch our short video with Charlene and Jacqui, who are part of our Day Opportunities co-production group:

If you're interested in taking part, email yourhomeyoursay@sefton.gov.uk or call 0151 934 2888

Supported Living - Service User Survey (pdf 9.69MB)
Supported Living - Carers for those NOT in Supported Living Survey (pdf 238KB)
Supported Living - Carers In Supported Living Survey (pdf 220KB)


Last Updated on Tuesday, August 13, 2024

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